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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. hes still got time to start winning. sheff utd have proved that 2 games after being below us in the table.anyone apart from the top 6-10 could get sucked into this mire during the run in. fingers crossed some rockets were launched saturday and we can start playing again.if cloughie can do it,why cant sc? we will see
  2. on a more upbeat note,we shouldnt really be burying our heads in the sand tonight,prior to orient,most of us agreed we were going nowhere up at brammall lane today,a lot had us down for a cert zero pointer
  3. would be mine too, el abd on the bench and go back to the system he just sorted before the window opened.pearson can replace elliot and wes for waggy. leave barnett out too.wasnt there so cant criticise the bloke but the commentary today suggested his passing was poor
  4. i thought we'd get beat at orient...wrong i thought we'd stuff tranmere.......wrong today i think we'll draw ...............3-0 sheff utd
  5. up til the weekend,orient were cu next tuesdays for calling that game off,well tuesday came and so did city.they were right to be scared and they got beat,just like they would have done new years day,or would they??? serves them right either way :chant6ez:
  6. new game,fresh 3 points up for grabs. 0-1 city,early goal from flint. squeaky bum for 80 mins with dodgy ref adding 9 mins on each half to help them equalise
  7. i would like to know when the rest of the team will learn that any ball over 6 inches above the ground will not reach baldock. at least if a ball is lumped forward much lower down,he has half a chance of nicking it away and getting through. a few positives tonight tho,first real show ive witnessed from wes burns,now i know what people mean,i also took note of packs level headedness,rarely put a foot wrong and flinty,my mom,a few dodgy moments with the ball at his feet but didnt get caught once and wasnt scared to put his head in at boot height
  8. seeing as gillet isnt defensive,why isnt jet on for him?
  9. slightly ot but after baldocks interview,sc was asked about anymore transfers. i am enthused with his 'we dont want to bring anyone in for everyday of the week except saturday' is there anyone uninjured in our squad that he hasnt played yet?
  10. as hard as i try,i cannot picture tb,keep coming up with visions of 'bleedin west 'am innit' alf garnett
  11. i dont know for definate why hes here but i can only think he will be used as a sub if our either of our 2 frontmen arent getting any joy or having an off day,or get injured
  12. just had a look at their pricing scheme,cat A,B and C as our games but jeez what a price range the same seat can cost between 26 and 63 quid for example watching dross like cardiff and man u.
  13. where did we sign him from? any rave reports anywhere? glad to hear you on mend though,not pleasant any day of the week but matchday was terriible
  14. that made me spit fanta on my keyboard
  15. i did like his positive 'yes,but im not telling you am i?' twice aswell
  16. not just yet, remember,the job is never finished til the paperwork is done
  17. doesnt look good when aldershot beat them 6-0 today does it . still,on the bright side,county are still leap froggable with our game in hand over them
  18. why is it when we are losing,the last 20 mins fly by but when winning its like it takes forever to pass by??
  19. im not saying anything positive.always lets me down
  20. think we are in for a crushing defeat today,7-0 sounds about right
  21. i too think it might help if he could find time to get back in the office for a bit,maybe call in the slackers for bollockings when needed etc,give the whole outfit someone to look out for and respect for their leadership. however,he could already be doing that for all i know but if that was the case,we really are in trouble
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