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Everything posted by BrizzleRed

  1. Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their view and you clearly have yours. I also have mine too and I can assure you, it differs greatly from yours. I certainly don’t agree that it’s a ‘given’ that Pearson is a ‘sour puss’. You may think so, but that certainly doesn’t automatically make it a given! Why are you also assuming that any anti board/Lansdown/Pearson sacking is also anti-Manning? I’ll bet the massive majority of pro-Pearson supporters are willing Liam Manning to do well, as it means the Club will also be doing well and what fan wouldn’t want that?? That doesn’t mean they’ll have forgiven those who are running the club for some of their actions and why should they be immune from criticism anyway?
  2. I strongly suspect you seeing conflict, when there actually isn’t any. Have you ever considered that anyone mentioning playing a Pearson like system aren’t trying to pull LM down or wipe egg off their face? To me, it seems very much like an acceptance that our players aren’t suited to his original tactics, but now he’s moved closer to the style they’re used to, performance levels have risen accordingly. I reckon that actually enhances LM’s coaching and tactical credentials, as it proves he has flexibility, which is great for us. If you want to see all this in a negative light, that’s up to you but imho, I can’t see it myself.
  3. Yep, our shots per game count has certainly risen significantly for sure. Maybe LP has just given the playes a bit more freedom to shoot when they feel it’s worth a go. That was a bit of a frustration under NP, as it often seemed like we wanted to practically walk the ball into the net. That alone has raised the entertainment level for me.
  4. Spot on! Although we’ve pretty much reverted back to an NP style counter attacking game, we definitely appear quicker and more incisive in attack and it’s made us more exciting to watch and is putting opposition defenses under increased pressure (reason for the penalties?) Completely agree re Mehmeti. He is the biggest and most surprising change since Manning’s arrival, so LM can to take full credit for that. Will be interesting to see if he can transform any others, given more time. Certainly starting to see more reasons for optimism now, so let’s hope we don’t just do the Bristol City thing and **** it all up!
  5. A very refreshing change, especially when added to a couple of recent pens. Definitely looking up and long may it last
  6. No probs. I agree there’s an increasing number of people these days who have totally lost the desire to debate or, even acknowledge there can be differing opinions, even though both viewpoints can often have similar justification. This echo chamber and cancel culture mentality is really destructive and if it reaches it’s logical conclusion, us humans will find ourselves being no better than inferior robots and AI will have the beating of us!
  7. Nope, but are you putting YOUR name forward as one??? It’s one thing when someone is an obvious wum, then they deserve everything they get. What winds me up is when someone gets hounded just for having a genuine and heartfelt opinion. While our Seagull friend can get caught up in the emotion at times, there seems to be plenty of posts where they say absolutely nothing wrong, but they still get ripped into. Bang out of order as far as I’m concerned and not what this forum should be about.
  8. Fair play and nothing wrong with following your principles and having some passion. I know it takes all types to make a forum, but there are definitely a few on here who seem to just revel in being annoying. Don’t let the b*stards grind you down bud!
  9. Don’t see anything wrong with this post at all WSM, though it still managed to land some stupid facepalm emojis, though one was totally unsurprising, considering their posts recently. Like you and many others, I was incandescent when Nige was sacked, but said the new man deserves a clean slate, as it wasn’t him who did the sacking. Early on, I had concerns he may be a one trick pony, for the same reason as you commented. He came in and immediately changed our playing style to something we were completely unsuited to. The fact he’s realised the error and has taken us back to more like our game under NP, but with some tweaks to make us more forward thinking and dangerous around the opposition’s box is great and gives me a lot of confidence that he can be flexible and pragmatic, which can only be good for us. Fair play to LM and today is easily his most impressive result so far, so I’m feeling far more optimistic than when he joined us. Today was a massive Christmas bonus for us and it’s a real shame there are still idiots attempting childish points scoring, just like we had under LJ.
  10. As if it isn’t cruel enough to be taken so young, to happen right on Christmas is even more awful. Sincere sympathy and condolences to Chris’s family, friends and colleagues.
  11. Completely agree MMR. One thing for sure, if he writes a book, I’ll definitely be reading it. There’s so much BS and hype in football these days and it was such a refreshing change to have someone here who told it as it was. I used to think of him as sullen and a bit of a loose cannon, but I warmed to him massively while he was with us.
  12. I would have thought, we’ll most certainly know eventually …….. he’ll either join another club, or retire.
  13. Exactly and we aren’t even surprised any more. It amazes me there are still people on here who think the Lansdowns are the best thing this club could hope for!!!
  14. So let me get this right. We shouldn’t celebrate our meagre past successes, but should look forward optimistically to a rosy future under the same ownership who has delivered us over 20 years of that past mediocrity? We also shouldn’t be holding in high esteem the most qualified manager we’ve had in decades, who managed to help turn this mess of a club around, with virtually no support or appreciation from above and whilst still maintaining our Championship status against the odds? Please correct me if I’ve got any of that wrong, but at the moment, I can see sod all to look forward to with this club under this regime, so may as well look back and enjoy what little we’ve had in the past, as that may be all we get!!!
  15. BrizzleRed


    The point is, the atmosphere was flat as a witch’s t*t, even before kick-off, so I don’t think it’s just down to the football being played. Maybe the early kick-off had something to do with it, because the Nowich fans were surprisingly quiet too. From a personal perspective, after the manner of the Pearson sacking, I just feel a massive disconnect with the club atm and the general optimism I had for the future seemed to instantly evaporate due to that single action. I’m still attending the games, but just don’t have the enthusiasm to get more involved than that. If there are many others with similar feelings, this might go some way to explaining the particularly sudued atmosphere at the moment.
  16. I used to feel like you, but luckily for me, after years of following City and the almost perpetual mediocrity dished out has pretty much made me immune now. My biggest problem is actually being arsed to turn up to matches now, in spite of having a ST. I forced myself to go against Norwich and during the match I was constantly wishing I hadn’t bothered. Given the unbelievably flat atmosphere around the ground, I wouldn’t mind betting there were plenty more feeling like me. I just found it impossible to get excited about anything and I feel completely disconnected with the club, purely down to the mugs running it. What a complete cock-up they’ve made of things and as it stands, there’s no way I’ll be renewing next season. Enough is enough and if you can’t get some enjoyment or satisfaction from watching football, what’s the point in going?!
  17. Wrong, read it again! The post said that if SL HAD valued BS at £200 million, that would be delusional. Are you arguing that wouldn’t be the case, considering two clubs with a great deal of recent Premier League experience are valued around the £60m to £80m mark?
  18. On this thread, though I thought it had been reported he was asking around £140 million previously, so who knows other than a select few? Given the activity around other clubs like WBA and Norwich and the lack of interest in us, it’s pretty safe to say we haven’t been priced competitively, don’t you think?
  19. You really have to question what SL actually wants here. Using West Brom and Norwich’s valuations as a comparison, surely SL putting £200 mill on Bristol Sport is like putting a crazily high F-off valuation on a player you desperately want to keep. He has to be seriously delusional to believe he’ll get any takers at that price, so really can’t see what he’s playing at. If he IS that delusional, it will certainly explain some of the baffling decisions he’s made during his ownership of the club and also why we’re going nowhere fast.
  20. Could well be onto something Sir. This extremely irritating newbie poster and the people running this club, appear to have an astonishingly similar pov on everything.
  21. Never thought of it that way, but you’re right there.
  22. I suspect this may be a fairly short relationship, so I’ve voted 12-18 months. If he struggles with the jump up to Championship level, then he may be bombed out fairly quickly. I suspect he’s got something about him though and he may do well here. If that’s the case, as the salty Oxford fans have been crying about, he seems more than happy to jump ship if a better offer materialises and there are plenty who are higher up the football pyramid than us. Just don’t see him here long-term, so will be interesting to see how things progress.
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