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Everything posted by BrizzleRed

  1. Really point there and not really considered that. Looking at it that way, their mods have got a hell of a lot to answer for.
  2. I know a reasonable number of sags and they’re all sound as a pound. We have a bit of good natured banter and some really enjoyable and friendly discussions about football. That’s why I can’t understand how their Sagchat Forum seems so infested with totally brain dead, deluded morons. I can’t work out whether Sagchat is just a magnet for for the most deluded, simpleton belters of their fanbase, or all sags are two faced and although seeming like normal human beings in mixed company, they just revert to gormless retards when amongst their own kind. There do seem to be a few sensible posters on there, but there appears to be a large percentage of them who would only need the fingers of one hand to count their IQ levels. The gap between the quality of discussion on their site and OTIB is probably even wider than the gap in our respective league positions. They really do come across as the village idiots of Bristol.
  3. Footballers will certainly get a reality check through this virus, but unfortunately it’ll likely be the less well paid players and smaller clubs in the lower leagues who bear the brunt of financial fall-out from all this. It’ll be interesting to see what happens if sponsors, advertisers and tv companies all want their money back, as that will directly hit the wealthiest in football, then the legal battles may become our main source of entertainment!
  4. Credit where credit’s due, we’ve started surprisingly brightly and showing a lot more purpose. Not sure about the numbers of long punts, but definitely look more lively
  5. I don’t know how much we’re viewed as a ‘small club’ , but I think we’re widely viewed as a club with very big potential. Sadly, I seriously doubt that will ever be realised, and BCFC will forever be the club that people say they expected to kick on and were surprised that it never actually happened. I reckon this club are happy to stay comfortably around the Championship, preferably in the top half, to give fans the hope that with one good season we could progress. This means any player who shines for a season will have a Championship price tag when they are inevitably sold. That to me can be the only reason why we still have LJ at the helm, as to be fair, he isn’t doing a bad job in that respect, though I’d wager that the majority of the fanbase have little or no belief that he’ll ever take us up.
  6. Sure you’re right ST and many of our fans have mentioned WBA as a good model too. unfortunately for us, I really don’t think we’re that much closer on the playing side since Lee Johnson took over. Some fans get fooled by only looking at the League table, but that only tells half the story. I think Johnson is pragmatic enough to realise he isn’t a tactical genius or man manager, so he relies on playing a percentage game and grinding out results which are often undeserved. It really is turgid and painful to watch, particularly for a fanbase who are usually calling for attacking football. There is a feeling that we’re just one good appointment away from really getting this club into gear and kicking on. Problem is, although we’re willing to spend very multi £millions on players, we insist on shopping in the Poundshop for our managers!
  7. Fair point and you guys have certainly set your sights higher than us on the manager front, so fair play. ? We just set our sights lower down here and play safe and go for someone who isn’t likely to shake things up.
  8. Very true’ there were increasing numbers of empty seats around the SS which were clearly ST holders. It’s difficult to gauge at the moment with all the virus shit going on, but I think the ST numbers could be well down on last season’s total, though fairly understandable under the circumstances I suppose. Let’s just hope the club wake up before too much damage is done.
  9. Absolutely nail on the head, so well done sir! This stadium is far better than it’s ever been and should be packing the fans in. We’re actually doing well to keep the numbers as high as they are, but can’t see a lot of people sticking this dross much longer before attendance numbers fall off a cliff. Complacency within the club is the biggest danger here, I think.
  10. Sadly, there’s Bristol City in a nutshell “comfortable”. Unless they can shake off that baggage, we’ll just be getting more of the same.
  11. I think a re-jig of roles are needed. Mark Ashton is clearly a really skilled negotiator and he’s done some wicked deals for the club, particularly in some of the fees brought in. I just can’t get my hesd round the number of players he’s brought in who LJ appears not to want, so there seems to be a disconnect somewhare.
  12. That’s the big question. You would hope so, because as you say, we’re seriously lacking in the tactical department. We already know JJ’s football philosophy, so we know what we’d be getting ..... good, attacking football with a bit of passion and steel. That would certainly lift the mood around the the. club.
  13. Well, that could certainly address the glaring lack of experience in the management side of the club. I’d love someone like Joe Jordan, he’d kick some arses. One thing seems certain, we’re going nowhere as it stands at present and really needs a shake up.
  14. I’m frankly sick of the mind numbingly boring, timid, unadventurous dross we’re stuck with now Major and really think we’ve reached the point where a change is needed. The problem is, whenever we discuss this subject, we find the pool of potential recruits is pretty depressing. Unfortunately with our system of having a head coach rather than a manager, that’s going to put off a fair few potential targets, as they won’t have full control. They could be right too and maybe we’re a good example of what can go wrong if too many different individuals are running a football club. I really fear we’ll then be left with taking a punt on a potentially up and coming individual (in the LJ mould), who sees us as a step up and is prepared to fit in with our management system. That looks like the downside of our continuity model, where a change of HC doesn’t automatically lead to wholesale changes of staff, even though that’s beginning to look like what we desperately need, as things seem to have got very stale. So in the end, it looks more likely that if change does happen, it’ll be another punt on someone who’ll work within our restrictive system and isn’t going to want full control. Something along the lines of a Mark Robbins, who appears to be on the up, but hasn’t got an inspiring record in the Championship. The other scary possibility is a promotion from within, perish the thought! Bottom line is, I just don’t trust this club to do what’s needed to shake off this lethargy we’ve slipped into and in fact, they may be quite happy where we are.
  15. So all the bitter sags who are saying they would never go to “Trashton” and put money into that “ladygarden’s” pocket seem to be having a devastating effect on Bristol’s attendances ...... NOT!!! Shows insignificant those bitter, twisted ba5tards really are
  16. The frustrating thing with Baldock is every time he finds himself in a one on one situation, he just does the same thing and blasts the ball straight at the keeper. You'd think he'd occasionally try to dummy the keeper and put it to his wrong side. Any keeper watching SB will know you just need to stand your ground and he'll hit the ball straight at you! Sam is still our joint leading scorer, but with a little composure, he could have been leading the whole division.
  17. The one thing I can't help thinking every time I see Baldock play is, if only he had Brett Pitman's killer instinct and eye for goal, to go with his pace and workrate. Then I remind myself that if he did, he wouldn't be with us for very long!!!
  18. No I don't think it is and judging by people I spoke to at the AG redevelopment presentation at the Gate a few months back, the club haven't given up yet. I don't see fighting this now as helping the Gas, is combining forces to help Bristol as a city, because if the Nimbies get away with this, you can be sure they won't stop there and we'll be back to driving horses and carts in a car-less city by the time they've finished!
  19. I think the sags richly deserve having the piss seriously ripped right out of them, seeing as they had no sympathy for us when we were in their position and even went out of their way to put the boot in and make things worse by signing petitions. After the dust has settled though, It's about time we combined forces with the Gas and use every contact the clubs have to raise the profile of this ridiculous situation and get it out in the wider media. At a time when government and local council are saying there isn't a pot to piss in, here in Bristol we have two situations when there are tens of millions of pounds waiting to be invested in the local area and the whole lot is being scuppered by a handful of selfish, blinkered, short sighted nimbies. These self-centred idiots are willing to keep Bristol as a backwater to the detriment of the vast majority of it's residents, just to serve their own blinkered, selfish interests. This has got to stop, as Bristolians are sick to the back teeth of seeing the city we love being left behind in the wake of lesser towns and cities who aren't constantly hindered by these nimby parasites. Here is the ideal situation to make a stand and combine forces to take the battle right to these numpties and see what they're made of.
  20. Dead right. I'd rather the club dug in and fought this TVG crap, as I've seen us settle for second best too many times in my lifetime and that's probably why we're where we are now. We've got to go for for the 1st choice, or we'd live to regret redeveloping AG in a very short time and where the hell is everyone going to park anyway???
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