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Everything posted by myol'man

  1. I've seen the video MD, looks like two own goals to me ?
  2. They havent scored a goal themselves for 6 games now!
  3. They've still got Arthur Daley running the away turnstiles then
  4. Just seen the "highlights", defo 2 own goals.
  5. Ah, the old "running out of paper for tickets trick"..........otherwise known as "give the bloke on the gate a fiver" They must have moved him from the disabled exit gate to the away end!
  6. blue button, press option 5, do not pass go, use turnstile 7 (that's the dodgy one, just give the bloke a fiver) stay hiding in the Hobgoblin, or just stay at home. Cos that's what they do!
  7. Just in case any of you need the link for the countdown; https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/soccer?iso=20001028T1645&p0=299&msg=CITY+above+rovers
  8. Would you believe Barnet have a player called Joe Payne. Now where have I heard that name before?
  9. Just searched for GasChat on Google and I got some fat bloke talking about dodgy electrics and plumbing!
  10. 5 games since Marcus Stewart took over training the strikers. Man's a genius
  11. Firkin Dimwit is the new winter ale from Wickwar Brewery ?
  12. Scouting out a new site for the Arena?
  13. Will they call it the New Rotherham stadium?
  14. and now he's working for a real live conference manager!
  15. I think it's about time that Hartcliffe boy Marcus Stewart received a special award from OTIB for services to the downfall of Bristol R*vers. Since it was announced that he was to carry out one to one training sessions with all of their strikers, they have now failed to score in 4 league matches. Whatever agent Stewart is doing, it must be absolute genius. He's one our own. Arise Sir Marcus Stewart, CAF, FTG, MTG
  16. Or maybe change their anthem from "Goodnight Irene" to "Goodnight Campers"
  17. Heard this #gaslogic cracker over the weekend; "only losing 1-0 to a last minute winner (for the 2nd week running I reminded him) isn't such a bad thing as we are only 1 goal away from getting a draw" !!!!!!!!!!!! ????????????
  18. It looks like the master had given up by then!
  19. Surely that's just in the away end?
  20. "We're not afraid of Burton" Aim high Dopey, aim high!
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