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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. unzip your bag, erect your pole and slip inside
  2. I don't find it weird…I'm not obsessed but he, IMO, did untold damage to this club (with permission).
  3. Possibly not, but Mighty oaks from little acorns grow…
  4. What website is it on? I’ve had a quick search online but can’t find anything
  5. I was definitely! And I was branded a dumbass for my apparent “dislike” of suits.
  6. I was moved by the fact that holding his scarf aloft was so important to him…
  7. https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/man-25-given-ticking-timebomb-22265616 Wow, it's those little things…
  8. Yet, the Americans who have taken over Ipswich seem to have been taken in too…I wonder if they will be so forgiving if and when it goes wrong? I don’t expect so
  9. No you're right. They had no business changing a perfectly decent competition.
  10. I just remember a free kick…? Didn't he fall out with GJ? And he didn't play him?
  11. I had a really white snowy picture too!
  12. Plus, Paul Hartley came into a well established team, with not many teenagers/inexperienced players (as far as I can remember) so the balance of the squad would have been different to how it is now. (Apologies, I can't remember who else was in the team, at the time that PH was signed)
  13. I remember some similar comments made on here at the time, perhaps it was you Dave?
  14. Oh I see. So perhaps the HPC is part of Bristol City holdings then?
  15. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10073786/filing-history I just looked on here
  16. they'd lose the HPC though, unless they buy that separately?
  17. Perhaps there's a problem with suppliers, etc?
  18. the pictures's a bit white and fuzzy…
  19. I’m finding the commentary really annoying. I tried to synchronise with radio Bristol but it’s a bit out. Would rather the option of just crowd noise and no commentary on robins tv
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