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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. I don’t know who the merchandiser/buyer is but that role isn’t necessarily a responsibility of the store manager. I would imagine decisions about what is actually bought in for the City range is taken at a higher level. Anyone know?
  2. Never actually tried pie n mash myself
  3. we've got parakeets in Highgate Wood and Haringey!
  4. the contributions, I went on pattern for the first time in two years and saw that the payments had stopped, I couldn't seem to see how to sort it out
  5. I need to relink my patreon as it had stopped for some reason, how should I do that?
  6. I haven't watched it for years, basically because it doesn't have anything of relevance for me. Plus I don't have a telly, and watch everything online. One person on Twitter/X, pointed out that it used to be part of Grandstand so felt included in the Saturday afternoon's sport programming, now it's sandwiched between other programmes, about houses or something, so now feels out of place in the schedule. I did used to like it as a football programme, I don't know how much it has changed since I last watched it. (Sadly around the time of Gary Speed's last appearance) I've read that it is trying to be too inclusive (talking about women's issues in football, periods etc). Perhaps the BBC through cutting costs is trying to shoe horn every aspect of football into one show? Why can't there be a separate show for women's football? Made by women for women? I think they deserve their own show.
  7. Thanks, I wasn't sure if that only referred to them in flight, my starlings were on the roof of a house? I couldn't find any other collective noun for them…
  8. Trying to write my research paper, I wanted to know the collective noun for starlings. On the RSPB chat I found this instead: robins – a blush of robins robins – a bobbin of robins robins – a breast of robins robins – a carol of robins robins – a gift of robins robins – a reliant of robins ? robins – a riot of robins robins – a rouge of robins robins – a round of robins robins – a ruby of robins COYRs
  9. it's going ok but you have to wonder if the club was in a better state off the field, if it would be doing even better
  10. I haven't listened to that episode yet but he was very cautious/sceptical when discussing Everton the other week
  11. Oh, poor chap. Another mishap in his career
  12. He must have played on the hallowed turf then?
  13. Has anyone filmed them working out of hours? With evidence they can’t deny it
  14. Re Warnock, he did say he’ll see if anyone come calling around Feb and he’d be out of retirement like a shot ?
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