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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. usually Radio commentary isn't available online. I'm listening via BBC Sounds now to prematch…will see! Thanks
  2. listening on BBC Sounds for pre match, the game won't be available on there.
  3. I can’t make it today so will be tuning in from London and listening to the commentary. COYRs
  4. Would he have had the club’s best interest at heart though? Would be interesting to know what was discussed in each interview. Perhaps JL is too nice/naïve and bowed to the great man’s better judgement ?
  5. I remember that, it was incredible. Never heard anything like it before or since!
  6. He said he wouldn't give up, which is important. Referenced the hard work that everyone at the club is putting in too
  7. Happy New Year. Up The city!
  8. They’ve been commandeered by the government. ? Try Wilko! HNY Dave, and your family.
  9. I think the honours system was diluted somewhat during Tony Blair’s prime ministership. One year loads of sports people received honours (can’t remember the details) possibly for winning the ashes or something, or winning Olympic gold, while Sir Steve Redgrave had to wait 20 years or so and five consecutive gold medals for recognition. They started handing them out like boiled sweets.
  10. I saw her at the degree show at Central Saint Martins in 2019, I think her grandson was a student there at the time.
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64122181
  12. I enjoyed that! Missed a couple of decent chances though
  13. A name I grew up with. That infamous commentary "Pele!"
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