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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. We used to phone ‘talk about’ later ‘chat line’, my friend was on our phone for hours talking to random people, my mum wasn’t happy when she got the bill! we did meet up with some strange people from there ???
  2. Thanks. Apparently my dad was really impressed that she could do it…
  3. yes my first thought yesterday…tune into Radio Bristol…Wellsway School will be open today
  4. my mum used to have to do that up Redcatch. I don't know what it means.
  5. I get what the writer is trying to say but instinct and will can't control the officials or the opposition, or freak moments of play (like injuries). Or HK missing a penalty. I would just say England gave France too much space to play, while France were on the England players whenever they had the ball.
  6. Oh well, Stoke at home on Saturday! Bring it on. COYRs
  7. Bbc said he had been on antibiotics for Bronchitis
  8. Know Your place is a fabulous website!
  9. I don't know what it is. The lido is top left, I think. This is from 1946
  10. did you upload to anywhere else by mistake instead of FB?
  11. There's never any buses on Boxing Day?
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/63801857 Eddie Jones sacked
  13. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-63868992
  14. do external issues not contribute to the problems faced now?
  15. No, I’m just saying there are global supply issues. City is skint and doesn’t have much buying power, they have to weigh up the cost of spending too much on merchandise that people might not buy, plus having to deal with shortage of supplies
  16. I wasn't talking about sports kits. Sorry I wasn't more specific. People were asking why there were no hats, baubles etc. Marks and Spencer and co have had issues with supplies this year. Sorry I wasn't clear.
  17. I was talking generally about supply issues, but yes I'm sure the club does have a case for compo.
  18. who is the chap who bought the club? Just saw an interview on Twitter but don't know who he is?
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63858805
  20. I just assume there are global supply issues that are out the club's control? This has been the case all year for many outlets, even big companies.
  21. Can’t they come down the right hand side? At least they are nearer to me (bigger on the screen)
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