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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. I enjoyed that! Missed a couple of decent chances though
  2. A name I grew up with. That infamous commentary "Pele!"
  3. COYRs Got caught up watching tributes to Bernard Cribbins on Twitter…would have been 94 today.
  4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:History/Phil_Alexander Been edited a few times today ?
  5. I’d like to see the video before where this starts. The boy could have nicked it off the old lady for all we know?
  6. You’ve let yourself down, you’ve let the club down, and most importantly you’ve let OTIB down. Nigel will see you in his office now ??? ? ??
  7. That does bug me too. Don’t be so chummy!
  8. I thought about it, never been to the Den. Driving back to London that day but don’t know what time I’ll get back. COYRs
  9. Especially to coincide with the new CEO possibly?
  10. Did they fail because they were fired? Has Nige not failed because he hasn’t been fired? Would Nige have been given such a long time at different club?
  11. It’s difficult to say who it was directed to specifically. I thought it was a generally towards Nige? From my seat behind the goal anyway
  12. Like it’s seemingly ok for Nige to play hardball with players and throw them under the bus but then he complains if the crowd start getting uneasy with the team…
  13. I think people are reacting to a different interview, that’s not the one I saw on Twitter
  14. Did he mention effecting the young players in a different interview? He didn’t mention that in the interview on Twitter with the club man
  15. Wasn’t Djokovic as well ? I don’t know much about their reasoning but I think elite athletes had a right to question the effect of taking it.
  16. There isn’t a category for in-game goal-scoring graphics? I like to nominate them? I can’t remember who it was…
  17. I feel sad for Scrumpy… especially at Christmas. They could’ve got him a friend…?
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