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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Well they may not have worked out, but at least we had Tin Plavotic....
  2. More snortsmen than sportsmen, I expect....
  3. Guess it depends how they lay it out. If it's just a modern, san serif font (as opposed to some fake olde worlde nonsense) then we'll be fine. If they want to include the little box graphic, it'll look a bit Play School.
  4. My main memory is of a player so slow that he made Martin Kuhl look like Usain Bolt! He obviously hasn't been like that throughout his career and was pretty handy in his prime. Players are like anyone else though. They age at different speeds. In his case his legs were not going to let him play at 35. Huddersfield knew this when they released him.
  5. Yup. Only in football would you be able to write off a potential quarter of a million pound mistake with just a shrug, but that's the madness of the economics of the game*. The signing does pale into insignificance compared to some of the clunkers roped in during the Lee Johnson years (although of course, he had much longer plus the "help" of Mr Ashton to sign that lot). Still a minor blot in the copy book of NP. I'd argue that Simpson never looked fit or ready in March 2021 and I'm not even sure how he passed the physical, let alone got signed. Renewing the contract doubled down on the mistake. * Well, only in football and politics
  6. Red-Robbo


    Twinned there with the worse haircut ever.
  7. I understand they voted to do that rather than it being a rule imposed by the club. As for giving his shirt away, I suppose he's the only player whose jersey will fit an 8-year-old.
  8. Sounds far too much like hard work. I'd simply leave the turd for millions of years until it turns into a fossil coprolite and hey presto! It can be polished to your heart's content.
  9. Bump Dasilva up to 7 and drop Bentley to 6 for his awful positioning on the first goal and it's fair enough.
  10. Perchance. TBH I haven't been that amazed by any of his appearances. I'm undecided whether second tier will be the level he ends up. A few years yet for him to show his mettle, so I'd be daft to write him off at 19!
  11. Weren't Yeovil once sponsored by Preston Plucknett Post Office & Stores? I remember they won the rights in a raffle. Other odd non-league ones were Margate FC sponsored by the band Bad Manners and St Albans were sponsored by Roy of the Rovers. Edit: While fact-checking this post, I found a great pic of Roy watching St Albans from their luxurious press box:
  12. They aren't equivalents. One is the attacker, one the aggressor. It isn't a war that just 'broke out'. It's an unjustifiable invasion. One is like wearing a Swastika in the 1930s, the other like wearing a Star of David in the 1930s.
  13. Sounds like you had practically evacuated as well!
  14. Be glad not to see that ugly logo after this season. Always reminded me of the sort of font used by old-school fish & chip restaurants on the front of their faux leatherbound menus.
  15. TBH if he was paid £150 a week it still wasn't worth it - unless he undertook some maintenance jobs around the HPC on the side. However you cut it, his signing was a failure. Divisive because of his wife-beating background; didn't look very good in the 4 starts he had for us; mysteriously earned another year and then spent months sitting on his arse and not even near considered for a matchday start. The fact that Pearson would rather play a teenage U23 forward over Simpson as RB says everything. Let's just hope NP has learnt from this fiasco and next summer's incomers are more considered than this, his first signing.
  16. Red-Robbo


    This particular section of the ground needs to be stewarded and policed more tightly for the foreseeable until the "hilarious" throwing items at the corner taker behaviour ceases.
  17. I doubt the pitch object throwers ever do much that virtuous before or after their brain-dead actions. Clubs have been fined tens of thousands of quid for fans throwing objects on the pitch. right now we are borassic, so to do so confirms you are no City fan, just a d------d.
  18. This bloke was the original 'Gus Caesar. I think @Aizoon saw him play.
  19. Red-Robbo


    I hope you dusted yourself down with DTT and showered for a couple of hours after getting out of there.
  20. The word depression takes many given forms and feeling exhausted and not feeling able to fight (an abusive situation in your case) is just one of them. It doesn't have to mean moping about crying, or lying in bed pulling the duvet over your head - it can bring anxiety, self-harm, apathy, blankness and sudden silly decisions. I'm a big burly bear of a bloke who never really worried about too much in life, but job loss, divorce, a sudden plummet in my income and health issues left me with a crushing anxiety. At one point, I was too worried to answer the phone or look at my mobile. I thought it was going to bring yet more bad news. Therapy helped me and now life is peachy. Well, apart from at football. It will be for you too.
  21. Red-Robbo


    Probably Nige about to self-combust when he watched that first-half performance.
  22. He did. Trouble was he never ran back again! His defensive work was not very a-Peal-ing.
  23. As Chelsea fans most of them would be from Hampshire, or Saffron Walden, or Cornwall...
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