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Everything posted by steviestevieneville

  1. Sag on the radio said. We could of had 6 first half on Tuesday geoff . I listen to 3 efl podcasts & every pundit on each one has topped Oldham to Finish bottom . Hardly a amazing result was it
  2. He’s been a mate for along time & although being gas he was pretty normal until a few years ago . He’s one of the brainwashed lot now though . He’s started wearing hand me down clothes & early learning Adidas trainers . He fits right in now. ?
  3. The reason we take the piss regarding attendances is due to a large amount of your fans embellishing your numbers & have done for quite some years that we take piss out of . If they didn’t it wouldn’t get mentioned. a very good mate of mine is gas , he’s in Exeter now. He text me earlier trying to take the piss about last night. Then said. we’ve sold over a thousand tickets but there’s at least 3-4 thousand down here. see what I mean ITN . You reap what you sow
  4. Sorry but this is complete rubbish unless you never watch , listen or read any other football content at all , on any platform. you’ve never heard of any of our players ? you’ve never heard of Andi Wiemann or Nahki Wells . You didn’t watch the Czech Republic in the euros & see Tomas Kalas. I think you’re bending the truth ITN
  5. What ! ? what has. taylor Moore got to do with it & you do know Nagy is a midfielder , right ? he doesn’t need to be replaced either , we got plenty of midfielders.
  6. He’s never looked happy with us & to be fair he’s hardly set the world alight. Wouldn’t be in a lot of fans starting 11 . No loss what so ever imo .
  7. Can’t see that lot sacking him. He was arrested on June 2nd . Wael would of known about it but had still let buy players since then.
  8. Glad to see they got their facts right. And people wonder why we question modern journalism ?
  9. Look at his twitter address ( if that’s a thing ) we8city ? shows them up for everything they are . I’ve said it to gas heads faces. If they lose 5-0 and city lose1-0 they’ve had a good weekend. *******
  10. Don’t see how they had respect for him in the first place. As soon as he came in he chucked everyone under a bus. As you said , wael has given him full control over the playing side. Yes his position is untenable but how can he sack him when he’s put all his eggs in a joey Barton basket. We thought we had problems ?
  11. Nothing new there . They’ve been bringing shame on Bristol for decades
  12. Anyone noticed the Scottish & Italian flag in her bio. ????
  13. That’s Holloway isn’t it. I’d expect any dad to do what he has for his girls. The proud to be Bristolian , wants city to well though is absolute bollocks . I remember when he was on talkSPORT breakfast chatting about rugby & he said how much he loves the game . Alan Brazil said how well Bristol are doing & if he watches them . No, they play there don’t they. Where said Brazil. Ashton gate skeletor replied. brazil . Oh grow up. it’s all facade with him . He’s a typical bitter gas knob
  14. That’s what thought. Wasn't it the case that a new company was formed & bought out the old one with everything agreed with two minutes left of the deadline. I was 11 at the time but can’t really remember it . I suppressed it I think as I remember all the football clearly enough
  15. I may well be completely wrong but we weren’t in administration were we ?
  16. Public transport will need to massively improve especially during the build. The current set up isn’t fit for purpose . The current park & ride buses are a joke
  17. There is thread of over a thousand pages long for that lot , but you needed to start another one
  18. Also this one , and from a mod. Is it any wonder they block people for having a opinion that doesn’t suit their agenda. Complete head in the sand ?
  19. I do love how thinks its possible that under cotts that they could of been worse or finished lower. How is that possible . They finished bottom ??
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