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Everything posted by Lrrr

  1. Another year for Tres, I would hope its as a back up option to others though rather than first choice.
  2. Get the pitch inspector down there
  3. Hildreth doing what Hildreth does, Tres is a batting scout but presumably now a case of reluctance by England to pick someone of his age.
  4. Well that's one way to get a draw
  5. We gone from spinning deck to road have we?
  6. Wow thats a silly way to get run out
  7. Only 1 comment in that BBC article which indicates someone may have looked at us being Gregory one to watch out for with the bat. Overall we largely get ignored in the predictions and players to watch out for.
  8. Below average rating was purely down to excessive turn, will laugh when we can't play spin in the sub continent and pundits ask what can be done. May as well bookmark this for a few months time. Also a ruling that the pitch was under prepared, well as the head groundsman pointed out we lost preparation time due to heavy rainfall before the game and there were no indicators that we had deliberately poorly prepared the pitch.
  9. There going to be any outrage on social media about how many wickets are going down today?
  10. Someone get the pitch inspector to Hampshire....
  11. So the flip side of Taunton's pitch at Trent Bridge Notts got 448 and 93/1 v Yorkshire's 498. How does that help English bowlers? 21 wickets in 4 days and hands shook just after tea on day 4 because there's no chance of a result...
  12. Yeah Renshaw popped into mind, could then get an international to stick around post world cup probably
  13. Getting an overseas player would be difficult for next summer as its the world cup so you'd need to find a test international but not ODI really. Wonder whether we may try Tom Lammonby next summer.
  14. Really we needed to go the opposite way, produce very good batting pitches to get max batting points and back our bowlers, that's the only way to think we'd have a chance to catch Surrey, not dropping all bonus points hoping we'd win.
  15. Well 538 runs scored in just over 5 sessions, the run scoring rate was pretty much the same as any deck just wickets were falling. There was no variable bounce it just turned, I guess we should take a pitch inspector with us to Sri Lanka and object when it turns day 1.
  16. Point someone made on social media, after Leach has skied it, what if they run the first and are able to cross for a second before the catch, would we have got the 1 to win?
  17. Has the patience for a test 50 but not for a ball to take 1 off, brain dead
  18. That is ******* abysmal, Bess and Leach you muppets two brain dead shots
  19. Didn't think Craig's looked out either, didn't really straighten and Craig has a decent length on the forward defensive.
  20. Sliding down? Live stream didn't look like it came back really, arm ball?
  21. Looks like the cheap 18 Onions got could be the difference here
  22. Davies just missed it swinging back
  23. Watching the replays Trescothick's looks outside the line of leg stump, held up a ruler edge of stump to stump on my screen ( ) and you can see all of the ball when it pitches. Hildreth when try and dab/cut it, know it was a straight one but still. Abell done lifting his foot now too...
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