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Posts posted by TBW

  1. My dad knew him and would always say hello in the late-90s and 2000s. Never knew how he knew him but always seemed to have a nice catch-up.

    My dad passed about seven years ago now. Losing all the faces I knew from the ground as a kid.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

    Honestly, I used to think like this as well. It really annoyed me that the women's team was promoted and pushed by the Club. I liked football as a bloke's sport, I also thought that the majority should rule and touted that as a reason to ignore and disregard the women's side of things.

    Then I spoke to a few people who do like women's football, and who like the City women's team. Speaking to them changed my mind on it. It's part of the Club, the Club that is forever evolving and changing. It's healthy to have that evolution, and it's good.

    At the same time this SC&T survey is prepared and distributed by volunteers who do it for free because they love our Club. Again I used to have certain views of the SC&T, and again actually engaging with them and speaking to them has changed those views.

    It's a survey. You can skip bits, and you can choose to move on and do something else that makes you feel positive. Next year maybe you could offer to help prepare the survey, I know the SC&T guys would welcome any help they can get. Then it could be better, gather better data, and help inform in a superior way.

    PS. I'm sorry for the annoyance caused by the TED talk comment. That was clearly a step too far.

    I'm not disregarding them, I'm saying they two surveys shouldn't be mixed together like they are.

    Most fans of this club don't particularly care about how the women's team do. You can tell this simply by looking at attendances. We grew up supporting the main Bristol City team, we've been with them through thick and thin. The women's team... we can't be expected to just have a passion for them out of nowhere just because they're associated. Typically, radio button survey enforce you to select an answer, it's just what you get used to over years and because of this people will select something to bypass the women's sections of the survey, not realising they could've left it blank. By doing so they are negatively effecting the results - If they select something, they effect it negatively... If they leave it blank, the people viewing the results don't know if it's because the person filling the survey doesn't care or genuinely just isn't sure of a response.

    The best way to get distinct results is to separate the surveys. Sure, add the women's one on the end, have it say "WOULD YOU HAVE FIVE MORE MINUTES TO ANSWER MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT BCFC WOMEN?" and let it go through to it. If people say no, they don't give a shit and won't negatively effect the results. It's as simple as that. Having a mish-mash back-and-forth between the two clubs in the survey is a mess, it's confusing and gets you out of thinking deeply about one subject. The two clubs are not one subject... if they were, the questions wouldn't need to be asked twice in the first place.


    • Like 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, thatcham red said:

    Thanks for all your feedback and comments.

    The opening paragraph in the survey now makes it clearer that you can skip questions or whole sections. Average completion time is 11 minutes.


    Most don't read paragraphs before a survey either. It's a multiple choice opinion survey. It shouldn't need paragraphs.

    These are two surveys and you've car crashed them together into one. They need to be entirely separate or the women's accessible at the end via a "would you like to continue..." question.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, ExiledAjax said:

    If you want to exclude the women's team from discussions then, as you say in your post, you support Bristol City Men's Football Team, you don't support Bristol City Football Club.


    One is called Bristol City Women's Football Club. The other is called Bristol City Football Club.

    I appreciate the sentiment but your logic is flawed.

    I didn't realise at first that the questions being asked were about the women and wondered why I was being asked the same questions a second time. Perhaps if they want to get both surveys done by all, why not put all the men's team questions first and at the end ask "would you like to continue and answer with regard to Bristol City Women?" much like how many online surveys ask if you want to continue and submit ethnicity data.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. I got bored and quit reading. Primarily because it felt long as ****, answering all the same questions for Bristol City AND Bristol City Women.

    I get it now I've seen here that you can leave answers blank but I didn't realise at the time and most won't either... and most also won't care about the women so they'll drop in useless answers to get through the pages that then skew your results.

    Two different surveys. Sure, the women's will get less responses but they'll be from people who give a shit.

    • Like 4
  6. 6 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Interesting- might watch this vid although I do have to say that for me it seems to ring true in a number of ways.

    No model is flawless of course.

    It's also been proven that the personality test isn't reliable as a set result forever. A large percentage of a test group once did that test again six months later and got different results. It's not a personality test so much but just a judgment of your mood at the time if anything.

    It is no more useful than one of those YES/NO trees in a teen magazine in the 90s.

  7. 3 hours ago, Clutton Caveman said:

    As the author of this post I am shocked and dismayed by most of the reaction. I am not a green nut case, I drive a petrol car and fly quite a lot for work BUT my point was if this package was necessary it would be 100% recyclable if the packer material used to create the indent for the contents was eliminated. The cut out in this section would also have gone to waste.

    I work in the packaging industry when massive thought goes into creating functional packaging that can be easily recycled. such as getting rid of shrink wrap for coke cans and the plastic rings for 6 beer packs. Bearing in mind the heat of the last few days should we not at least think about recycling

    Cry harder.

    Via Wynes & Nicholas, Environmental Research Letters the below would (per person taking action) save the specified number of tonnes of CO2 per year. ..

    • Have one less child, 58.6
    • Live car free, 2.4
    • Avoid one transatlantic flight, 1.6
    • Buy green energy, 1.47
    • Switch electric car to car free, 1.15
    • Eat a plant based diet, 0.82
    • Replace typical car with hybrid, 0.52
    • Wash clothes in cold water, 0.25
    • Hang dry clothes, 0.21
    • Recycle, 0.21
    • Upgrade light bulbs, 0.1

    13,000 less bits of foam isn't going to change the world buddy. How much of the other stuff above are you willing to give up? Your regular flights alone look like they're probably worse than the foam used for every STH combined. 

    • Like 4
  8. Christ. Don't know why the club ******* try. 

    It's a gesture. Seemed a nice thought to me. If your'e that bothered about landfill go moan to Hallmark and Clinton Cards about the amount they cause to go to waste on cards, singing cards, pin badges, etc.

    • Like 16
    • Hmmm 1
    • Flames 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, CiderJar said:

    Lots of Birmingham City fans are moaning about Bristol City fans using #BCFC . I'd suggest they choose a different one if it upsets them so much. #BrummieBastards for example.

    Birmingham City weren't called Birmingham City until 1943. If anyone should be upset, it's us.

    • Like 2
  10. 47 minutes ago, shahanshahan said:

    Finland played Germany tonight in the Women's Euros. Wasn't sure if UEFA thought about this arrangement when the two teams would be drawn together in the group...


    Normally have to subscribe to a specific channel to watch women finger.

    • Haha 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, Curr Avon said:

    Simliar? (colours)

    See the source image


    Exactly what I've been saying for the last week too.

    37 minutes ago, bris red said:

    Very smart. Definitely going to get a pair of those black shorts ?

    Nah, never buy shorts without pockets.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Err, one thing that keeps getting overlooked, is 'when were we released, sold or dropped from the squad?'

    Pretty sure they retired/reserved a number for "The Fans" previously as we were their 12th man.

    Personally, I hope we have been sold to some European side, just so I can get a foreign passport and keep freedom of movement.

    Also, I want a signing on fee. And wages. Big wages.

    Hated that 12th man crap. Cringe as ****.

    • Like 4
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