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Everything posted by glynriley

  1. No sign of Pepsi or Dancin Danny then...?
  2. He is now. Keep your thoughts to yourself in future Bert. Oh and RIP Val.
  3. They only get those out for special occasions... ...like when they sign out of contract Woking defenders.
  4. He's a right ******* spanner old Piggsy!! Reckon he rolls up to these potential investors telling tales of huge crowds and how Roverzzz are going to rule the world. Then one of them google a picture of the gorund...
  5. Celebrating the magic of Bristols family club......
  6. A teacher asks her class to come up with a sentence containing the word contagious. Lucy stands up and says "My Daddy has a cold and Mummy said it might be contagious" Billy stands up and says "We can't take our dog on holiday because he might get rabies which is contagious" Johnny stands up and says "Our next door neighbour is painting his house with a 6 inch brush and my Dad said it wil take the contagious"
  7. A man goes into a bakers... Man - Can I have a loaf of bread please Baker - Brown or white? Man - It doesn't matter, I've got my bike outside...
  8. Wonder if Carlsberg will invoke some kind of copyright infringement and the daft**** has to have his arm amputated?!!
  9. A desperate last throw of the dice? That could bankrupt them.
  10. Bristol Rovers new main stand.. Courtesy of Cadbury Garden Centre.
  11. The following evening, Stevie Wonder walked in to the same restaurant... Waiter .. "Stevie I love your sungs sing for me a jazz chord, prease" Stevie .. "I am very sorry but I am out with friends can you leave us alone thank you". Waiter.." prease Stevie prease" . Stevie." Look here, I don't do jazz music, you may have me confused with someone else" Waiter..".I sing for you, A Jazz Chord to say, I ruv you".
  12. Is it just me, or does that not make sense?? You think he has a chance to play for a team performing at a higher level to us, but would only be a back up here?? Maybe just the way I'm reading it. Anyway, isn't he Scottish...........
  13. Could end up with 2 different organisations. Blatters Asian/African/South American collection, with possibly the Ruskis and the French thrown in. Then a mainly UEFA led group with the Septics and the Aussies/Kiwis thrown in.
  14. Won't need to be that long Monk, at least 2 of the 6 arrested this morning are in their 80's!!
  15. There's nothing like a close family.......
  16. So we've been continuous members of The Football League for 114 years and they've been members for about 114 hours.
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