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Everything posted by old_eastender

  1. Believable but we are doing nothing of note with it, lots of sideways passing.
  2. Laboured performance so far, nobody providing any width when are looking to attack.
  3. Patos first contribution to the game, gives them a FK just outside our box!
  4. Well 12 mins gone and you not missed anything yet, we are crying out for some width
  5. Can't help but feel pessimistic as our season seems to be falling apart... maybe LJ giving our first picks one last chance before giving the likes of Walsh & Eliasson a look in.
  6. Presume Wright is injured then. Hope Pack & Smith are 100% better in CM than they were at Burton.
  7. Indeed one bit of good play for the Fammy handball goal, and the rest of the game Pato has been absolutely awful!
  8. Yep, thought it was wrong call not to play Mags CB, and keep Wright RB, but Wright has been very good at CB first half.
  9. agreed, been really poor and looks only half-interested, like to see Eliasson or Walsh on for Pato.
  10. Sunderland corner after porr pass from Pato allows them to break from halfway
  11. Pato looking as a poor as he has done in recent games, now has shot which is closer to corner flag than goal!
  12. and like against Bolton in a game where our defence is not expected to come under much pressure... and with the hindsight of how much we missed Korey in CM in that awful game... terrible decision in my view.
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