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Everything posted by old_eastender

  1. tight in the Championship, Rotherham level just as Derby do at Millwall...
  2. Hope Swindle get done by the FA for this, disgrace and no respect, if I was MKD fan I would be well p.off.
  3. or Dons & Swindon lose at Fleetwood & Rochdale and we are up whatever result on Bradford's mud patch...
  4. nop, still got awful Agard who has missed two presentable chances already...
  5. Not sure what to expect result wise, draw would be just fine. Will be a real test not only today but on how our defence might fare up against Championship sides, as with Garner, Beckford & Gallagher prompted by that player they have on loan from Villa Preston have a championship forward line.
  6. overdue for Agard to come good, maybe today... tough on Jet to be omitted again though
  7. Fancy a City win, now we have got the post-Wemberley game over... 0-2 or 1-3 for me.
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