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Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

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Posts posted by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

  1. 8 minutes ago, TBW said:

    I always use this to end arguments. 


    That’s a good one.

    I also like use the picture of the stand we opened in the summer of 2016 compared to the one they opened in the same summer to really highlight the gap between the two clubs...



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  2. 2 hours ago, JBFC II said:

    Another bit of gold from their forum... 
    The Tractor club were willing to pay £2m for Mattee Tee. Before BCFC82 offered him double the wages

    They don't get it do they, why would ipswich pay £2 million on a player who has a £300k release clause... 

    1) When the hell did Ipswich offer them £2 million for Taylor?

    2) Those Sagheads haven’t got a clue what Mattys wages are. One minute they’re saying he’s on 10k a week, then it’s 12k, then 15k...anything to make themselves feel better about losing their best player to us for peanuts.



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  3. 22 minutes ago, Red Army 75 said:

    I actually think Mr ass . Changed his story. No teeth were lost apparently. 

    I seem to remember (again sadly in the Gaschat thread that was deleted) that the original claim of ‘teeth’ being knocked out changed to one ‘tooth’ and then eventually ‘tooth removed by dentist at a later date’.


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  4. 9 hours ago, RumRed said:

     Gashead1981 should just give up, I don’t understand his/her point?  We as City fans, and I’m sure Rovers fans, would want justice served on anyone who was involved in the alleged incident?

    Why try and persuade the police not to investigate?

    We have a modern stadium covered in CCTV, this is easy.

    It’s almost like they don’t believe the story themselves. 


    9 hours ago, RumRed said:

    HG just has to give the seat number and game, done.


    Also I’m sure BS would be able to ask the police to investigate the allegations without the alleged victim making a direct complaint to the police?  

    According to the original story BS were informed by the alleged victims mum.

    So was Geoff Twentyman apparently as the ‘victim’ is a regular caller to his show, although instead of helping his mate Geoff obviously decided to cover it up, being the lifelong, die-hard ‘shithead’ that he is...

    ...and some of them wonder why we find this hard to believe? :blink:


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  5. 4 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Post them here. It'll make it easier for Gas chat to ban them.

    That said, a few of the Gas I work with went down the Gate for the first game and loved it (they took kids). No idea if they have done any of the other games, but I would imagine they have.

    Giving money to ‘da shit’...

    Their forum won’t like that :laughcont:

    Isn’t there a similar fans area at the Mem where thousands of them can watch the games?

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Super said:

    Im getting confused. Which game is this moron claiming the incident took place? 

    I seem to remember from the original Gaschat thread that it was suggested the incident took place at our last Saturday home game of the season (Barnsley). Of course that's difficult to check as the thread was deleted.

    HG says "one of the last home games of the season", so if not Barnsley then it'll be QPR, Wolves or Birmingham. Adam B confirmed the club had received NO complaints of threatening or violent behaviour from anyone, they did receive one complaint from a relative of a vulnerable adult who was unnerved by a "loud and raucous atmosphere" (taken from the thread posted recently on here by Sir Colin of Mansfield) however the club were working with this person and his carer.

    Either way, the club and the Police have no record of any reports of this supposed violent incident or anything similar happening...which is odd considering the fact that HG claimed the club HAD been contacted by the victims mother plus the number of potential witnesses in the area it was supposed to have happened.

    If the mother is involved then it'll be very easy to determine which game it happened at...it'll be the last game the victim attended.

    So it's a either a massive cover up involving the club, Police and the fans (and Geoff Twentyman who was also apparently told about it) or a Gashead wasn't telling the whole truth.

  7. 14 minutes ago, chinapig said:

    I also fail to follow the logic that an accusation on a public forum that a disabled person was seriously assaulted in our stadium is none of our business. If I were to make a similar claim about an incident in their stadium would they ignore it with a shrug on the grounds that it was a private matter for OTIB?

    Nor indeed do I see how such an allegation of a serious offence, one that has not only not been withdrawn but has been revived, is no business of the police.

    I can only speculate that there are other reasons for them wanting discussion to be shut down.

    It’s almost like they don’t want to find out what actually happened. You’d think they would be desperate to see some thuggish ‘shithead’ brought to justice after attacking a disabled man?

    I wonder why they don’t seem so keen to get the truth as we do? Maybe the Saghead who’s been posting on here today can tell us...

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  8. 24 minutes ago, glynriley said:

    Could we all stop talking about this now? Because despite the fact a city fan was beaten up inside our stadium, its actually none of our business according to oldgas. The fairytale accurate account was solely for viewing by gAssholes...

    What a ******* weapon....

    I also recall that Henbury originally posted on this forum with regards this unfortunate incident. He posted it solely for the consumption of Gasheads. It was some Shithead who was snooping around on our forum who copied it over onto One Turd. We all know what happened next.

    If those Shitheads don't like what we say about them on OUR forum then the answer is for them to keep their sniffy little noses out. This whole fuss is a result of them involving themselves in our business, and as a result of their tame copper involving herself in something that is none of her business, taking sides and being unprofessional.

    This is incredibly hypocritical coming from a Saghead who clearly spends most of his time snooping around this thread and then bitching and crying about it on his own forum.

    ...and just for the record, this whole ‘fuss’ is a result of him dragging it back up. What an absolute belter.

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  9. 1 hour ago, glynriley said:

    Here come the deputies...... 
    If of course Henbury is able to provide the evidence and parties concerned to substantiate his claim I'm not sure how OTIB will ever be able to live this down. It would be a case where you engineered your own downfall and put you own club to shame once again. 


    So according to at least one gAsshole, trying to identify a thug who knocks vulnerable people's teeth out is something we'd never live down..?!

    I suppose if the shoe was on the other foot, they'd all close ranks and protect the perpetrator.


    Gas logic at its finest there. We’re the ones asking for the accusations to be investigated. What a moron!


    1 hour ago, Bristol Rob said:

    It is one of the sad things about your forum that you don't allow us to register and have some banter. It's almost as if you are embarrassed to be Gas.

    Yeah funny that.

    Wonder what they’re scared of? :laughcont:

  10. Couple of gems on Gaschat this morning.

    Henbury has been told that CCTV has been looked at and no incident appears to have taken place. HG wonders how she knows which match it happened at?

    Because you told us in the original thread Henbury...last home game of the season (Barnsley).

    Another one wants to know why the Old Bill aren’t investing us for saying that ‘Rovers are crap’ as its something they object to?

    Perhaps that’s because saying ‘Rovers are crap’ is not the same as alleging a violent crime has taken place in a public area (with 20k potential witnesses and CCTV) leaving the victim, a disabled vulnerable man, badly injured and traumatised?.....FFS :facepalm:


  11. 14 hours ago, Juan Kerr said:

    I bet his clacker valve is going like a good 'un.

    If he is then he only has his mate Oldslag to thank because none of this was happening until he raked it all back up earlier this week, thinking he was being clever.

    Oh dear.....


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  12. 4 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

    If he isn’t telling the truth then he should be very worried as it’s an offence to waste police time


    He could just say he was only repeating what he was told and effectively chuck his mate ‘under the bus’.

    Someone posted on here a few weeks back that they know a vulnerable man from Westbury who now goes to watch the Gas but they say this guy has never mentioned having his teeth knocked out at AG.


  13. 16 minutes ago, wood_red said:


    Also how come now he "has some other witnesses"?? If there were other witnesses then surely this would have been reported to stewards firstly, and also Police on the day of the incident. A vulnerable man with teeth being knocked out and being witnessed by others - yet not a single report??

    I suspect he means witnesses in the shop at the time this bloke came in. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    I thought he said it was the South Stand.

    I'm sure someone more savvy than me can find the relevant posts on their forum though.

    You won’t.

    The first few pages achieved the goal HG wanted, Sag after Sag telling each other how disgusting we were for sitting back and letting a disabled man get his face smashed in. Then the heat started turning up once it was posted on here and some Gasheads actually started to question HGs version of events. In the end the thread was deleted.


  15. 1 hour ago, glynriley said:


    3) Anyone is welcome to make an account on this forum provided they follow the rules.

    4) Shitheads will continue to be banned from this forum regardless if they work for the Police or not.



    Most Gasheads on Social Media are the same. As soon as you confront them with facts that show them up as liars they either block you or change the subject. No reason to think that Slagchat would be any different to Facebook or Twitter. 

    The truth hurts.

    57 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Shouldn't take long, given that he is now a witness to the crime, rather than just a third party.


    gree with you on this Hugo

    I know from personal experience that when i complained about some of the things posted about me and my company their Mods did act at the time but since then they have allowed it to carry on

    If PC Bristol Sport mens section 1982 would like to come and see me and show me her warrant card i would be more than happy to relate to her the full story and introduce her to some other witnesses  who can corroborate the story.

    I won't hold my breath though

    According to Henbury Gas a disabled man was beaten so badly in the Dolman Stand (over a seat) he had teeth knocked out. Despite the likelihood of blood and thousands of witnesses, the club, The Police, The Stewards, CCTV Operators and 20k fans turned a blind eye. 

    I know it sounds a bit unlikely but, y’ know, it’s not like Gasheads to make stuff up is it? :blink:

    As I’ve said before, I can believe the bloke exsists, I can believe a disagreement over seats took place, I can believe any confrontation would cause anyone who’s particularly vulnerable from coming back. It’s the ABH bit I find hard to believe.

    The sad thing is, this guy apparently didn’t want a fuss...Henbury Gas posting what he did on Slagchat in a pathetic attempt at point scoring has meant that a year on its still being talked about. Well done bonehead :clap:

  16. 12 minutes ago, Red Army 75 said:

    The squatters moan about the size of this thread. But we have a lot of supporters who like to take the piss . On there forum they literally have about 10 ******* who post . MTG :sub:

    Yeah and yet they still racked up 7 pages in a couple of days last week about how ‘hilarious’ it is that we’ve sold 3 players for a combined total of around £20million.

    Imagine how big their thread would be if we did something really embarrassing like dropping out of the entire League for example?...

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  17. Oh dear, looks like this dick head has been triggered again by OTIB :laughcont: 

    Good, that’s why this thread is so fun.

    Hi Oldslag :sub:quite happy to copy your post on here. I couldn’t give a shit who is better supported than us, you’re the ones that bang on about crowds, waving your tiny nobs around and slagging off clubs like Shrewsbury in a pathetic attempt to make yourselves feel big. We deal in facts on here which can make for uncomfortable reading if you’re a Saghead, especially when it proves you aren’t as great as you think you are...far from it in fact. 

    Come back anytime asshole, thanks for reading. :laughcont:




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  18. Oldslag showing some of that humble, down to Earth attitude that they tell us makes Gasheads loved and admired throughout the football World. :laughcont:

    Look at him boasting about their poxy 8k home crowds as if that’s something to be proud of, laughable. 

    What those boneheads forget is that Rovers have got a catchment area of over 250k. They should be filling their tiny stadium every week, especially as they’re apparently so ******* loyal...

    How many people live in Shrewsbury? 60k?

    Shrews are better supported.



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  19. 40 minutes ago, cityal said:

    From that thread - this post is just great

    We're obviously laughing at them getting their pants pulled down over these deals. They could learn a few things from us when it comes to selling players at top dollar.......


    I am sure someone from our club will be straight on the phone asking how they got such "top dollar" prices for Taylor and Bodin. :rofl2br:

    Seriously how deluded must this poster be?

    To be fair, I think that was clearly supposed to be a joke.

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  20. 3 minutes ago, Sergio Georgini said:

    Losing players to a league side below, signing complete nobodies on free transfers. But I'm sure the main topic of conversation on the empty, deserted Slagchat is us selling players worth more than their entire club alone.

    6 pages in a couple of days devoted to the hilarity of us selling 3 players for around £20million....it’s as if no other club ever sells anyone?

    Obviously what the dummies are ignoring  is that we have over a month to replace them before the season starts (signed Webster already for £5m) and an owner with a record of investing in the playing side as well as the stadium...unlike Wally, who seems to do neither.

    5 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    Whilst we are beating the mighty Man U....

    ....they were either sat in front of their tellys watching it with their Sag kids, stamping their feet in rage when Matty Taylor set up Korey for our winner, or...sat in their cars at the Mem watching ‘Home Alone’ on a makeshift cinema screen.

    Mind the gap.


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  21. ....Over on Slagchat.

    Desperately trying to convince themselves that we are as amateur as them.

    They think selling your top scorer for £10M with 2 months of the transfer window left is the same as losing your top scorer for peanuts, mid season, to your bigger cross city rivals 1 day before the end of the transfer window.

    We may have lost Bobby to Cardiff but we haven’t had our pants pulled down in public like they did with Taylor. 

    They also seem to enjoy the fact that quite a few of our fans see Cardiff as bigger rivals than Rovers. They really are proud to be shit. :blink:

    Backward, tinpot idiots.

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  22. 33 minutes ago, Red Army 75 said:

    I see they could be signing someone from st mirren for nothing as usual. I might put some money on the squatters going down 

    Apparent thats the way they want their club to do business though.

    Obviously they’ve changed their tune ever since it became apparent that Wally wasn’t as mega rich as they told us he was.

    Funny that.


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