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David Brent

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Everything posted by David Brent

  1. Apparently he still needs to prove himself against the likes of Burnley and Crystal Palace though
  2. He can’t even pop over to France and watch on Robins TV so let’s hope he does have it
  3. Not surprised that a Bristolian supports Liverpool but I find it to hard to believe that he has no love for City. Good reception for both I reckon. Before the game starts.
  4. Do stewards check tickets in there? I suspect people without tickets for that area are trying to get in. Makes sense that it must be 1 space per person which is easier to control if everyone is in their allocated seat.
  5. Too many Northerners for me. I enjoyed the Mark Crossley one
  6. Nothing like a last minute equaliser to separate the wheat from the chaff
  7. People still counting last season then. I’ve seen 3 home games and I thought we played ok in all of them, losing once. The win will come
  8. I was Pack’s biggest fan and I wouldn’t swap him
  9. Great win. Happy to see that we can mix our game a bit. Was worried about this one.
  10. Very cheap flights to Milan from Bristol. From there there are plenty of options.
  11. Gregor using Nigel for clout. He’s embarrassed himself there
  12. Always rated him as a player but I felt like he let himself down towards the end of last season. Forget what he did for Hungary, Nigel identified that area as a weakness and signed 2 players he could trust. Think a move away suits both parties.
  13. Not fair! Why are they allowed to open their stadium to fans for games?
  14. Makes me laugh when they say they stick with their club through thick and thin....When has it ever been thick?
  15. 1. I never leave before the end 2. Let him do what he wants
  16. Still yet to win under Garner without a penalty, or a red card for the opposition. They sometimes need both.
  17. I’ll take that as an average performance any day. Not his best game but still an important contribution
  18. Hope you catch a win in there. The fans are going hungry
  19. What would you know about playing a Championship club?
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