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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. Here’s the initial “urinating in the wind” betting odds. No Pep, shockingly, but some outstanding humans…
  2. So did we all “Gas Ed”, so did we all:
  3. Early days at Birmingham for Wayne Rooney, who replaced a manager blues fans didn’t want to see sacked. But the fact is that in such a circumstance the new boss is rarely afforded time, and this is pretty much the anticipated reaction. Now, what does the Blues scenario remind you of?
  4. My old man died of Prostate Cancer. What I’d say (even considering that), is if you’re going to get a cancer it’s one of the “better” ones to get as the prognosis is better than others. What I’d do is familiarise yourselves with the risk factors if you are a man, as this is one that can creep up on you. If you’re over 45, have a family history of prostate cancer, and are if afro-Caribbean descent, your risk is markedly increased. Even if you’re not one of these, then it’s always worth being aware of the risk signs - but if you do have one or more of these factors, a GP consultation is a good thing. Check your risk here https://prostatecanceruk.org/risk-checker?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC_DJ7QYlJDzqnzZvGss1MW3rkftL&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIi8yEkeqRggMVM4ZoCR0AoQWNEAAYASAAEgJy-vD_BwE Dad was the kind of bloke who ignored things. I think in some ways he was scared. Even with that, he survived with Prostate Cancer for 10 years. If one person reads this and takes heed, in addition to everything else like the Junior Reds it will have been a worthwhile legacy. All the best to Paul and anyone else suffering xx
  5. Cowboy builders. Always an issue.
  6. Thanks for “pointing” that out…
  7. Ah yes, that well known outside of the box, having just been sacked by a championship team, continental, having been born in Solihull, John Eustace. Trolling so much in your last day you’ve forgotten what your opinions were supposed to be?
  8. “Waconda? Who is this Waconda of who you speak. My name is Gabriella Incognito…”
  9. And, ironically, that subset won’t have seen this thread and still won’t know.
  10. The BBC Sounds App I believe should let you access all the local channels
  11. Cheers guys, not just me then - and it is an IPhone and hasn’t happened before (to this extent) I wouldn’t mind so much but I’m on holiday so can’t go Wednesday!!
  12. Clearly Spud, you are not a student of the works of Mr Michael…
  13. Acknowledging I have three season tickets on my phone, for both me and the kids, having had 30+ notifications from the club saying this since Saturday is really starting to yank my chain! Anyone else getting bombarded by the club or just me???
  14. Well clearly Somethin’s bugging Nige, Something ain’t right as he was told not to play Andy King last night…
  15. I reckon it’s TomF under deep cover. He spent all these years being polite and reasonable and sensible and is now conducting a deep cover “how much of a knob can I be” experiment to show what a good job he did.
  16. And you’re being a total, and utter, ********. I know who I’d rather be!
  17. Christ sake, it’s comments like this which really show which people understand football. Just because Farke went to Norwich as a former number 2 on the continent, someone like that must be exciting and a probable success. In what world is “yeah but he’s a ex Bundesliga number 2” a measure of excitement over other candidates? Clue - it isn’t. I’m bloody sick of people saying “we need a progressive foreign manager” (and this isn’t a xenophobic thing) as if it’s a silver bullet. It’s not. It’s the next shiny new thing people who don’t understand football like to say to try and make themselves look clever (Hello Ryan Dilks…) I’ll tell you who’s an exciting appointment that would galvanise the fanbase. Nigel Pearson. This thread proves that.
  18. Dave - I saw Mark Kelly’s response to you on Twitter when you raised concerns. Unprofessional as a minimum if you ask me.
  19. 56/44 at a time when a question is predisposed to be answered a certain way (ie post a very poor performance) is not fan consensus and you know it. There’s a reason why most sensible referendums have a 70% threshold. In the same way as 52/48 hasn’t been proven to be a “consensus” and has ended shittily, then had you gone with your 56/44 “consensus” with nobody agreeing on what the shape of Nigexit they’d want (so even the 56 not being in accord so actual chance of all being happy with his replacement being far lower) we’d be in far worse shape now Its a willingly disingenuous argument.
  20. The other thing is that IIRC that poll was immediately post West Brom, and possibly the worst performance under NP. So, if you want to ask what’s changed then yesterday is a damn good microsm. In both games, we were rudderless, shapeless and dominated by the opposition. The difference is that against Coventry that lasted 40 minutes and the side showed exactly what they are - a team who will fight for the shirt and each other. That wasn’t there against WBA, but it was turned round bloody quickly - I think Millwall was next where a lot of the traits displayed yesterday were evident. I’ve no doubt Nige used his “barbed words” because he knows that what goes down better than anything else with a fanbase - more than an easy 2-0, more than a “flair” 4-1, is a performance against the odds where everything was left on the pitch. You add in that we know the constraints, we know he’s been shafted on the Scott money (and I’d love to hear Phil Alexander’s story incidentally), and fans can see it for what it is - a very good manager doing a job way beyond expectations despite all the hurdles. A poll in the heat of the WBA game Vs a poll yesterday probably aren’t the best comparatives as emotions are heightened and you get disproportionate high/low results on both cases. But it doesn’t change the narrative.
  21. It probably explains why Nige hasn’t been able to have a conversation with him!
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