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Grey Fox

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Everything posted by Grey Fox

  1. When at Brighton Robert’s was always considered to be a Centre Back first , left back second. Personally I prefer him as a defender to Naismith
  2. Around 1971 , we beat Leyton Orient 5-3 , and I’m sure we were 0-3 down, if the memory works
  3. Hull were there for the taking, that was a truly terrible performance capped by Joe Williams winning the worst display of the season award on the first day . If we can not beat a team playing like Hull did today, who can we beat ?
  4. No it won’t, we sell , we don’t buy other than to purchase cheap prospects to sell on or the occasional experienced cheapie to maintain our mediocre mid table ambition
  5. At which point they flog him at the first opportunity, and buy another “ hopeful “
  6. Or maybe there are doubts as to Atkinson’s long term ability to remain fit ?
  7. Wanting to be positive, I think 8th to 10th, but very much depends on if our new forwards can fulfil their promise, should they do so , top six is not impossible , if not lower mid table.
  8. Graham Potter, FA choice every day of the week
  9. Our signings all fit in to the “ potential “ category, if they all hit the ground running, then a top six challenge is on , if not I’m sure we have enough to maintain our mid table dominance. Just have to wait and see. As to Twine , we want to buy him , he is happy to come here and Burnley want to get rid. If all that is true what is happening now is simply price negotiation with a bit of brinkmanship. My prediction, , we will get him, but probably in a week or two. Patience is a virtue
  10. Ha , ha, , if only. As with Scott and those before we won’t. At best you will get “one for the future “ (to flog off as the first opportunity) or alternatively a cheap journeyman ( to keep us in the Championship). Remember “what football makes, football can spend “ , which means transfer income needs to cover the club’s overall losses first, which maybe something like £25M.
  11. Or , he , or his representatives are simply trying to negotiate the best deal possible. Unless you know him personally, the rest of your statement is conjecture. Lets wait and see
  12. Exactly why we should fight to keep him , to show to Tommy and others , our ambition is real and not just words
  13. If the club are intent on moving forward there are times to stand up and fight, and in my view the club need to fight to keep Tommy here for at least another season.The fact Tommy has not signed a new contract yet ( possibly as advised by his agent) does not in itself make him disloyal, he has never come across as anything other than enthusiastic for City, it may simply be a negotiation for the best deal he can get HERE. Don’t chuck the baby out with the bath water, wait and see
  14. Why would I give my email address, nickname etc ?
  15. Labour were quiet on the care issue for the elderly, but not anti, as to renters the tories proposed the bill , supported by labour , the right wing of the Tory party , and the Treasury we’re against.
  16. Like the commitment to cap care home fees for the elderly or to ban no fault evictions? For a concrete jungle , Westminster seems to have a lot of long grass.
  17. Hope he hasn’t got a sister, poor girl
  18. Is that the regulator who will now not be happening as the legislation can not be passed before the election ? And is the attitude of the Premier League clubs that surprising , only a few are owned by British people, so why should foreign owners care about the wider English game ? Do investors in New York or Saudi Arabia really give a @@@@ about Accrington or Grimsby or Newport? No , they just want to maximise their return on investment. Football isn’t a game anymore, it’s business.
  19. Tommy , imo , is not the full deal , but has the potential to become so. Hopefully he will be advised to stay here , where he will get game time, so he can continue to improve and then eventually move on (if he must) to a much bigger club and a much higher fee than is likely now. Everyone wins
  20. What’s a “fire stick” , yes , I’m retired too. Currently pay for Sky Sports , but only watch football and also some of the music channels. So would a “fire stick” be any use ?
  21. Or he stays with us , improves, and grabs the attention of bigger clubs than the Bournemouth’s of this world. We THEN sell , getting more than we would for a raw talent now , and he gets a fatter contract with a top club. What the @@@@ is wrong with that, because if Tommy shines next season, playing in our first team as opposed to Bournemouth’s bench , they certainly will come to him. There is a bigger picture out there for those willing to look up ️️
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