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The Gasbuster

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Everything posted by The Gasbuster

  1. It was always the debate in my teens about who was best, Pele or Maradonna. The debate often found opinions around the 50-50 mark. No debate however on who was the good guy, and who was the bad.
  2. Just love it. Taffs home already and the Germans go out on GD ?
  3. Very sad news. The world has lost a huge talent. R.I.P. Christine.
  4. On this showing, Poland look worse than Wales
  5. Poland really need to up their game second half
  6. Growing up as a kid; the house next door were still using coal for heating. That looks just like their coal bunker. No doubt the 15ers nicked it rather than paid for it. Have the gas not got gas ?
  7. "David Lloyd George, Tom Jones, Neil Kinnock, Michael Sheen, Catherine Jenkins, bloke and his wife two doors down, Anthony Hopkins, Richard Burton, annoying loudmouth *** down the pub, Max Boyce...... Max Boyce, can you hear me ??!! Your boyos took one hell of a beating !!!"
  8. The axis of evil (Iran and Wales), go home ??
  9. ‘Ave it ! Lets humiliate them now, 5-0 will do. Who’s laughing now Ramsey ?
  10. Bale is just waiting for a free kick on the edge of our box
  11. Is Bale actually on the pitch, or off playing golf again ?
  12. Has anybody EVER seen Richarlison smile ? He's even miserable when he scores !! ?
  13. It really does help with Shitaly not qualifying (granted they were much better at the last Euros !)
  14. A fan of a non league club awards the Slumorial 1 out of 10 ?
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