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Everything posted by eardun

  1. We’re going to be busy at the end of May! FA Cup final on Sat 25 May and the Play Off Final on Sun 26 May!
  2. Much better/longer priority period too: Season Ticket holders will have until midday on Monday, January 22nd to purchase their season ticket seat
  3. Good to see more depth in defence on the bench (Mccrorie and Roberts)
  4. “No one else had this issue”. Sounds a bit like horizon at the post office. Hope you get it sorted as must have been frustrating. I have an annual pass for robins tv audio but was at the London Stadium so I didn’t use it last Sunday.
  5. eardun


    Agree. Talking of our facilities, I know it’s smaller, but, for me, our concourse is far more inviting than what we experienced at the London Stadium on Sunday (of course, I’m assuming that the West Hams fans have the same environment as us away fans).
  6. eardun


    This is a great example of why the moaning about cheap kids’ season tickets (allegedly) causing empty seats in the South Stand is so short sighted. You can’t expect a child to attend every match; but there’s a good chance that this introduction hooks them for life.
  7. They’d probably need to delay it until next Saturday given the trains in this country. On a train to Reading from Salisbury (on time) and hoping to pick up one of the late ones from Bristol to Paddington
  8. I dreamt last night that we had a goal disallowed v West Ham for offside but then VAR intervened and the goal stood. So VAR isn’t all bad (although I still don’t like it!)
  9. Not sure where the flooding is but trainline shows that trains from Bristol to Paddington this morning are getting there.
  10. Looks like you can have the match programme posted to you: WEST HAM UNITED V BRISTOL CITY | EMIRATES FA CUP | 07.01.24 *INCLUDING UK POSTAGE £5.59 | westhamprogrammes
  11. Yep. Our train system is just not resilient enough and I fear it’s only going to get worse given the way the weather (rain intensity) and the sea/gale levels (in the case of places like Dawlish) are going.
  12. Was brilliant. Why I mentioned it (in yellow too!)
  13. I think (hope) we’re lucky the match isn’t tomorrow- hopefully lines ok and trains in the right place by Sunday
  14. I’ll take 1-1 and a cracking atmosphere!
  15. Let’s hope we have a Paul Mardon in yellow kind of a day.
  16. Perhaps they’ve posted them on the former players and managers sub forum.
  17. Was worried Wells had a recurrence of his injury but pre-planned sub apparently according to Ross (to ease him back)
  18. No replacement bus to Parson Street though. GWR info:
  19. Perhaps. Or perhaps it has just taken this long for the players to get it. Whichever it is though, Manning deserves credit.
  20. Credit from a Watford fan on their forum - he could see that Manning had worked out how to hurt them: “Before the rant, well done Bristol City and Manning. Setup correctly, attacked us down right where we are weakest, made Hoedt score another own goal then make him play their striker onside for their third goal. Fourth goal I didn't see because I turned it off near the end. As bad as we were, credit has to go to BC today and take nothing away from them, they battered us all game and forced us into errors and took their chances. From our prospective, whatever was in that malt whiskey, stick the rest of it down the sink. VI's constant chopping and changing of the line up is not helping our cause at all. Yes we were bound to get punished heavily again since Leeds and today was the day. Nobody turned up worth a damn and despite "Dave" finally getting on the scoresheet with a goal, we had very little to cheer or be happy about. Only positive thing is we can put this result out of sight if we beat Stoke City on the 29th. However, that is not far off and I do not think we will have the time to get over such as result/performance as a team till then. Hoedt with another OG, I mean come on, has that wonder goal at Hull gone to his head? He hasn't been the same since. Why did VI start Raj? Bristol City did exactly what I expected them to do, play down our weaker side and exploited us to no end all game. Left side wasn't much better and how many times are we going to play an opponent onside? Whatever the gameplan, tactics or formation was today, chuck it in the bin because Stoke will do exactly the same as Bristol did. People have been saying it all season, and maybe the good results have painted over this, but we have riding a lot of luck this season with other teams not finishing chances. Are we really as bad as 1-4 suggested? No, not as a team overall but today we were totally outclassed from a side on a good run with a new manager bounce. BC have some decent players' and we just could not cope with their press. I think oppo managers are getting the memo how to play us now. Especially if we continue to start Rajovic, get down the wings and stop the crosses. We are not going to score, or threaten. VI got it completely wrong today and he must accept much of the blame. But as I said in the opening paragraph, Bristol City were excellent. Our home form is a bit dodgy of late, and we only have three days till our next game, again at home. Defence was all over the shop and closing down strikers was not taken into account. Another Boxing Day battering at home. Millwall last year, Bristol City this year. Surely this is not a sign of things to come? Lose badly again to Stoke and I think any goodwill VI and the side had built up could be cracking faster than we anticipated. Bad day at the office, lots to work on, nothing to take from it at all as a positive. We need to move on and move on quick.”
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