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Rob k

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Everything posted by Rob k

  1. All for this new brand of cricket but that run out was ridiculous
  2. My missus has a Samsung and loves it, have to say the camera on it is superb. I keep buying apple phones purely as i have enough charger leads for every room and both the cars ??
  3. What is it specifically you don’t like about apple products?
  4. Agreed, i was right there when it first went up and for one i didn’t see many families and 2 it was certainly returned with interest, it was not just Russians either, a French fan had a great big knife!! i went back to the port after the game and nobody was there, it was eerily dark and I’ve never been so on edge in my life. Loads of locals all scarfed up literally out hunting.
  5. I think you’re wrong personally, Fury would fight anyone imo, it’s a shame the AJ fight never happened but i don’t believe that was down to the fighters, i think they both would fight.
  6. Is it just me that thinks keeper should be saving the Messi goal? Or harsh?
  7. Barry Jones i think his name is!!
  8. Oh, that’s not good, I’m taking a customer to the Manchester restaurant next week ??
  9. I was booked in to Paco tapas on Sunday but we got a call to say they are not opening on Sundays anymore - booked in to bar 44 in Clifton now instead. Im a bit gutted as was looking forward to it
  10. One of my best mates is a straight white male with ginger hair - we have been in pubs where people we hardly know have taken the piss, he’s had it for 42 years, yet that’s apparently fine.
  11. I don’t even think he’s rashly dived in - he’s a defender, i think it’s a shocking decision made worse by the fact he can actually go and watch it again
  12. Var absolutely pointless - I’d scrap it tomorrow. Adds nothing to the game. 99/100 fans will still think it wasn’t a penalty tomorrow so what’s the point
  13. How could a foreign owner put more in to the team?
  14. Why does he need to have a ‘lemming type view’ if it differs from yours? For what it’s worth i dont believe SL has got much right from a football perspective but firmly believe his heart is in the right place. He got completely blinded by Ashton and is suspect that’s dented his pride a bit as now paying the full price of his time here.
  15. I think Naismith will be on nearer 14k a week and Wilson will be higher than 8k too. Purely as other clubs wanted them
  16. So we’re still paying big wages then - that makes those 5 players on an average of 9k and I’m certain Tanner won’t be on anywhere near that
  17. Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better arnt they - that’s Scott and Semenyo 100% gone in Jan or the summer.
  18. I’m not his biggest fan but what on earth are you talking about? You getting stuck in ??
  19. I thought exactly the same - he’s only very recently had a promotion.
  20. I’ve got a meeting at 11 and then we’re going to watch football and train home later that evening, so easy to get too from Paddington i suppose, we will have beers after so somewhere where there are a few other pubs too would be great
  21. All 3 would need the club to change how we operate currently
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