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Bazooka Joe

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Everything posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. Sometimes things posted on here can be so cruel and hurtful to the deprived and disadvantaged of those outside of Bristol. Seeing this will make the Blue Few must be green with envy. They're probably wondering why their incredibly wealthy owner can't afford to erect such a magnificent edifice for them, thereby doubling their ground's capacity. But what's the point? They'd never fill it.
  2. Looks like Hollowhead aka Skeletor inspired the graphic. I make no bones about it.
  3. P. Doughfiall has signed up, as has his Danish buddy, Per Vertt.
  4. Dipsy idea from someone's who's a bit Laa-Laa. I hope they don't turf moor of these out.
  5. How can you go for something that you already are?
  6. Surely, that should just be hisss-tory now. From our perspective, it was money well ser-pent. Fangs for the memory.
  7. They've certainly mastered digging big holes for themselves. Furthermore, their dump (pun intened) is one big sh*t-hole.
  8. Scott frozen out of possible move to West Ham? Not so sure, But, if he was, would it be Scott of the Antartic?
  9. Guess what you're really saying is "Flick Huw !"
  10. Now that West Ham have much more money to spend, let the bidding war begin in earnest. Scott under the hammer(s)? Sold ! To the highest bidder. Which could now, quite probably, be West Ham. Only thing to be ironed out then, will be personal terms, Will hate to see him go, but if it means we spend the proceeds well, and challenge strongly for promotion. I'd be more than happy.
  11. Even after Chris Garland made his City debut in the 60s, although dressed in smart clobber, he still found time to chat and muck around with us scruffy urchins, whilst his lovely girlfriend looked on and waited patiently. That simply wouldn't happen nowadays. My mates and I still treasure those little memorable moments. We will be forever grateful Chris was a truly talented and exciting player. I remember him as being modest, softly-spoken and friendly. I don't suppose he ever changed. The best tribute I can pay Chris Garland is to say that, in some ways, he was Atyeo-esque. A legend, a hero and, let us never forget, a saviour. RIP Chris Garland and thank you for everything.
  12. It probably all started with that 19th century phrase "Shipshape and Bristol Fashion" Hopefully, that collar suggests that Knight is going take games by the scruff of the neck. We needed a dominant, aggressive enforcer in midfield, for others to follow. Might well be time for Jason and the Aggro-nauts.
  13. Good summer signing for City. Summer Knight City.
  14. I reckon that must have been tailored according to old Fatty Wedlock's shirt size. It looks like a tent the brand new stand at the Glumorial).
  15. Why did they take their entire season's gate receipts to Wembley? Wael never know.
  16. Imagine that. Would fans sing "I'm too sexy for my shirt" ?
  17. Would probably have been more convenient for him to have left by plane, car or train. But I suppose he did this to save the planet as it won't cost (him) the earth.
  18. I ran the Windows Network Diagnostics and the report said: Warning ! Virus alert ! Beware of potential virus infection I.RENE_6fingers/pox
  19. Pearson is certainly shuffling the pack. Let's hope he has a few more aces up his sleeve. He will hopefully bring in a few more diamonds to our club, who will capture the hearts of expectant and demanding supporters. Pearson doesn't appear to be a shirker or joker, If something needs to be done, he does it or if something need to be said, he calls a spade a spade. Not many people can trump that ! ( Let's not forget: Last year, he even got us a King)
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