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Posts posted by B-Rizzle

  1. On 02/05/2024 at 21:11, B-Rizzle said:

    I’ve got a box of programmes from the early 2000s too if anyone wants them for free?

    Moving to Aus so need a clear out! 


    I’m still trying to shift these for free if anyone’s keen?👆👆👆

  2. 12 minutes ago, Aaron-Bcfc said:

    I find it absolutely baffling that someone who has only scored 5 goals from open play in the league this season (level with Rob Dickie), is seemingly unwilling to sign a new deal. Even more so when he’s come through the academy and has closer ties with the club than most.

    Unless we are offering very poor wages and we have effectively made the choice for him to leave, I’m not sure what step up he thinks he’ll be getting. If the offer is fair and he doesn’t want to be here then get rid. Perhaps the West Ham goals have gone to his head.


    Couldn’t agree more. Intrigued to see what happens this summer but it does irritate me a bit. Feels like he has an over inflated opinion of himself at the moment as I can’t really see where he’d go from here that would make leaving so appealing.

    He may prove me wrong but no chance of going to the prem in my view. he could get a move to a higher champ club but prob wouldn’t play anywhere near as much as he does/ will here.

    Seems a strange position for him to take at this point in his career.

    • Like 2
  3. I feel for him but his body’s not very resilient, is it? He’s a good player but is a bit of a liability that he’s only fit for around a third of our games each season.

    Any idea what his injury record was like prior to joining us? If it was similar then I hope the recruitment department + Tins are reflecting on the quality of this signing - all things considered. 

  4. Regarding the poor comms over the last few years and a far from successful fans forum, how has Dave Barton avoided criticism?

    I hate to go in on personal criticism of employees but everyone else has had their fair share of finger pointing at sone point.

    DB’s role is literallly Head of Communications, no? It’s his job to advise the club on how it represents itself, communicates and interacts with fans. How has he not intervened sooner? He MUST scan this forum fairly regularly and would have known for a very long time about the key themes being discussed within the fan base.

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, grifty said:

    Nothing or no-one to criticise! I’ve said it’s unfortunate. If you can show where I’ve criticised the club on this please? You are the only poster who has at least entered a conversation about it rather than resorting to insults or anger so thank you!

    One of the higher transfer fees we’ve paid for a player in the last few seasons in a position we arguably have been light in and he hasn’t played a minute for us. 

    There isn’t anything anyone could have preempted? But have have had 0 return on our money (so far!).

    if he’s just getting back on the grass with the physios now I guess it won’t be until the new year where he may be in contention for a subs appearance? Hopefully a few appearances towards the end of the season and a good pre-season and he’ll be first choice next year!

    We get your point. We’ve had zero value for money…. so far.

    But the point lots of others are making  is that it’s a pretty weird argument that you keep insisting on perusing and doubling down on with your sentiments being around it being a waste of money or £2mill being poorly invested.

    Its a bit unnecessary and inconsiderate given the circumstances. It’s no one’s fault and not a massively unusual situation in professional sport.

    Would you have made the same comments if his illness/injury had been even more serious than it already is?

  6. Whether I, you or we like it or not, I don’t understand why some people are finding it so hard to understand the promotion comments from the club. It’s really very simple!

    1) They are never going to hold a manager accountable entirely to a promotion or bust ultimatum as it’s simply not practical. (hence why they’re tip toeing around questions of this nature directed at the new Head Coaching team).

    2) They didn’t feel NP was making quick enough progress towards this ultimate target of promotion so sacked him and referenced this as their reason. (Of course they’re going to be more gentle on the new management team at this point. What would you expect them to say?)

    3) They feel LM is a better prospect to speed up that progress towards the ultimate aim of promotion so appointed him.

    Again, we don’t have to agree or like it but that’s what’s basically going on, isn’t it?!

    • Like 8
  7. Tins has mentioned this a few times in interviews but is it actually true? I reckon not, hence why many people believe that we’re a couple of players short, particularly in midfield. 


    O’leary, Wiles-Richards, Bajic


    McCrorie, Tanner

    Vyner, Dickie

    Atkinson, Naismith

    Pring, Roberts


    James, King

    Knight, ?

    Williams, ?


    Sykes, Weimann

    Conway, Wells, Cornick

    Bell, Mehmeti  


    Technically this is 22 players but not completely balanced, no? Especially as 2 of these are untested, young GKs.

  8. According to Bristol Live, Manning has said in his post match presser that he has had ‘no contact with BCFC and has heard nothing’. Does this suggest he’s not our man?

    Don’t want to be naive but everyone is so cautious and media trained these days aren’t they. You’d obviously dodge a direct question like this (like politicians do) but you wouldn’t just outright lie, would you? You’d find another way of answering it.

    Is it possible that he’s the Lansdwon’s main man but still hasn’t actually spoken to them yet? Can’t see it.

  9. 5 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

    All I've said in this thread that my concern is a new coach having to kowtow to BT and JL. The criticism is aimed directly at them, I don't think they have the experience, know-how whatever to take the club forward and make decisions about the team, tactics, playing style etc. 

    People will get behind the team, its what we do but we won't forget.

    No they didn't. They got behind the team. 

    And they got behind LJ and believed in what he was doing as we had a team we could be really proud of. No one was thinking of Cotts at that point.

  10. 18 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

    hmm possibly but People didn't forget Cotts getting shafted.

    They absolutely did when things were at their peak under LJ with the Man Utd win, competing with Man City and doing well in the league. It didn’t last but when things are going well the fan base are in the moment and loving the success. It’s only when things aren’t going so well that everyone pines for a previous coach.

  11. 21 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    But how do you or I know that? How will we ever know it? 

    It will forever be argued that Nige himself could have led us to promotion too. 

    Again, this is a bit pointless, but if our new head coach got us up THIS season then that would have to involve a significant up level in results and point getting which would be significantly more than NP has ever managed. So, no, we wouldn’t be forever arguing that NP might have got us there.

    Bet anyway, none of this will happen will it.

  12. 7 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    We won't tho will we? Just like how Leicester fans never forgot Nige. 

    If a new head coach goes on to do well, it's because Pearson put in all the groundwork.

    Most of us are pissed off cos despite Nige doing that, he wasn't given a proper opportunity to do well with us.

    Yes, granted. He’ll always be remembered well for that but hindsight would show that (in this particular scenario) that the Lansdowns were right, NP laid the ground work but wasn’t right for the promotion push which ‘new head coach’ came in and achieved.

  13. Just now, exAtyeoMax said:

    well not really. He could be the best coach in the world but he has to kowtow to BT and JL. That's the worrying thing

    The question was how do they turn it around. If they appoint Eustace (for arguments sake) and he gets us promoted this season (I know, I know) then almost everyone’s faith in SL would be restored and all ‘this’ would long be forgotten. Hence my comment about this thread being pointless and a bit dumb.

    • Like 1
  14. Once again, my opinion is there’s a lot of hysteria, over reaction and people using one issue to back up their existing view on another issue. My views, for what it’s worth…

    1) SL’s approach to the football HAS changed and this is rightly worrying many of us. Has he lost interest? Why hasn’t the Alexander departure and new restructuring at the top level been explained to fans properly? Why hasn’t the Scott revenue been reinvested to some degree? The silence is fuelling the hysteria and the mental views that some fans seem to hold (imo). I don’t understand why communication has fallen off a cliff edge. It’s weird. It’s pissing me off but I don’t immediately want SL out like others do. I agree with the original poster though, please talk to us SL. Reassure us.

    2) The injury crisis isn’t necessarily linked to lack of investment. Many coaches, like NP, prefer a smaller squad. He would, it seems, have liked a couple more signings though and that’s harming us. It does concern me, though, that we often find ourselves in these major injury crisis'. What’s that all about?! Not SL’s fault directly though, I’m afraid.

    3) I’ll be pissed off if the anticipated run of incoming bad results due to the injury crisis is used as an excuse to sack NP.

    4) NP isn’t the messiah and performance/result wise, the jury is still out for me a little on him so I’m not fussed that the club haven’t rushed to give him a new deal, yet. Keep our options open I guess. I’m all for that.

    5) I don’t trust the powers that be to have a robust succession plan in place should they either fire NP now, or, it doesn’t work out with him over the coming months.

    6) Part of me hopes that all this weirdness at the moment is linked to some grand plan that SL has but needs to keep tight lipped on e.g. a future takeover for example (this would explain us keeping purse strings tight and not committing to a new NP contract). I can’t see it, though, based on previous experience with SL. He’s done an amazing job at building our infrastructure, academy and being (at times) very enthusiastic with his investment, but many of his footballing decisions have been poor over the 25 years I’ve been following city.

    I really hope he communicates soon and defuses a lot of this current toxicity and hysteria within our fan base.


  15. 55 minutes ago, BITW said:

    Tough game today against an in form team. As if our injury problems weren’t bad enough I’m hearing that Matty James is out for the foreseeable with a ligament injury! 

    Wouldn’t be surprised. Saw him on Thursday out and about with his kids and he seemed to be limping a bit. At the time I wondered if it was another injury or just a case of stiff legs from the game the night before.

    Massive loss for us if he’s out!

  16. 10 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    There's actually very little hysteria.  Most of it is just chewing the fat on both sides sides of the debate, most seemingly more in favour of supporting Nige than against.  A couple on each side might be more extreme / classed as hysteria, but it really isn't.

    I rarely disagree with you Dave, but I do on this. Whilst there maybe some reasoned, measured debate from yourselves and others, the majority of posts on this thread are completely hysterical.

    We’ve had zero news since NP’s comments on Saturday yet everyone is whipping themselves up as if a sacking is imminent. I accept yourself and others might be more in the know than myself and therefore have a different perspective, however.

    As some others have alluded to, do the club not have a right to see where this season goes and consider their options? During his time with us, I’d argue Pearson has done a very good job in his duties off the pitch (around budget and culture) but has only done an average job on the pitch in getting us results. I think it’s entirely reasonable that the club aren’t FULLY convinced that he is the right man for the next stage of our progression.

    I do, however, have serious concerns around the clubs ability to plan ahead, recruit well, and move us forward. SLs track record is pretty guff on the whole.

    My only hope is that Tins involvement might see any future recruitment processes being a bit more robust and fruitful.

    Time will tell on all fronts, I suppose.

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