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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Just what we need - two big lads up front. Is that misogynistic?
  2. That brings back so many memories. My favourite was attempting to sellotape the tape back together after standing on it!
  3. From what I've seen it was because he wasn't getting enough game time. Something like 8 starts in 4 months?
  4. cheese


    But I suspect we had different sources. In fact, I'm sure we did!
  5. cheese


    Speak to my wife - she'll tell you I'm never right.
  6. cheese


    Gone - health issues
  7. Yes, but lost to Manure and didn't even register even a shot on target at home. Who on earth would allow that to continue. Oh wait...
  8. Don't understand the first one at all. I suppose by the letter of the law the second prevented a goal scoring opportunity but very harsh.
  9. How many managers get sacked after losing to us?
  10. Alex Scott, Alex Scott He drinks the cider, he drinks the vodka His kicks f'in massive
  11. Next time there'll be a picture of Nicky Maynard
  12. And don't forget our SUB perfomances.
  13. Stop it, stop it. I'm getting aroused here now.
  14. Watching that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling
  15. I'll be there. Can't wait, unitl 5pm when I'll probably wish I hadn't! ?
  16. I think he's been very brave. You certainly wouldn't catch me at the methanium.
  17. From the BBC: "Exeter hammered a dire Bristol Rovers 4-1..."
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