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Topper 123

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Everything posted by Topper 123

  1. Too much bickering going on we’re all city fans together and I like what the youth are doing , after all they are the majority and also the future ( was stated at meeting at hen and chicken that we have 9000 under 18 season ticket holders ) if these lads want to relocate and seats are available then that’s it they can so let’s leave it at that ,smile about it and even join in you never know you may like it COYR
  2. Yes I do realise for a lot of disabled fans it’s hard , for me I can get about on my stick but struggle and because of that struggle don’t enjoy my experience at Ashton as much as I used to .Football clubs everywhere need to address this as offering someone a ticket on end of a line with restricted egress and access isn’t enough having to struggle to stand every 10 mins let someone out for a piss then back in. But best of luck and give Gerry a call hope he can help
  3. Got my ticket fancied a change from season ticket seat £15 by the club is very good , I’m well happy done on line in 2 minutes plenty of choice so can’t see what people are moaning about ffs just go with it enjoy the game and ffs support the lads COYR
  4. Well there’s 700 tickets remaining in blocks A and B for Saturday game v Blackburn ,good numbers for all to gain seats without upsetting anyone and week after FA CUP GAME. You can all get up there on mass as everyone has to buy a ticket
  5. My take on it is u can’t stop em going up there if it’s done right , you also can’t stop them from standing as it proves very difficult as they’ve paid for that seat and that space , people all around the ground are up and down throughout the game , but I think this is on the club to move the singing section end of season to the centre of south stand ( the old east end ) I know it’s going to impact season ticket holders me included but there’s plenty of room either side of centre block for fans to re locate ,we have all got to try to work together and if then you don’t want to stand because your views impaired then you can move BUT city let’s plan for it now and address the mass , you’ll always get the odd few moan about something COYR
  6. It’s nice to see this group of players seem to be bonding well and at last have resolve and togetherness needed to battle out points needed to push us up the table , long may it last COYR
  7. Myself , someone who used to love a sing song in A andB block hats off to all who congregated up there .Those 2 blocks house about 1600 and if we could get this crowd together every game it makes all the difference, I now sit in south stand behind goal and it looked impressive and the S82 at our end also played their part so let’s keep it up and get behind the team for the rest of season COYR
  8. Good luck to all moving to dolman tomorrow, ENJOY yourselves that’s what you pay your money for -entertainment and enjoyment so go for it ,let loose and maybe learn a few new songs off the older lads up there .I see there’s less than 300 tickets left in A block and only 70 in B block so about 1300 in both sold should lend to a good atmosphere, moving forward the s82 corner should be moved to centre of south stand ( old east end ) next season creating area where the singers can congregate and people who want to join in can add to the wings either side .I know some season ticket holders will moan but you still have another 20 odd thousand seats to choose from and if it brings us all together then let’s get it done , by the way it would also impact my seat
  9. 0117 9630 600 Call this number at ground if you have a season ticket and want to move for one game , your entitled and club will sort it
  10. Yes and if they hold season ticket can move it free of charge
  11. I don’t believe this will be of much use unless it’s a LARGE march and I’m talking a thousand or so , then someone may sit up and take notice but however many there is join with the move to E34 sat and show some togetherness and get behind the team we support ?
  12. I think it could work , it used to work well so fair play to youth and I’m right behind em
  13. I see no relevance in a protest against club I would rather see all the lads from this so called march join the lads in E34 Saturday and get behind the team and try to kick them into action
  14. Most gutless weak bunch of underperforming tossers I’ve ever witnessed in my 50 odd years of watching city ,if their not playing for the manager then their not good enough , fans need something to follow and cheer and it ain’t that mincing 11 today
  15. Topper 123


    I thought defence and vyner In particular was very good -a little bit square and flat at times allowing through balls that caused a slight problem but in whole very well drilled ,what’s happened to klose he was mr reliable last season and steadied the ship many a time , my grip is we still lack a shot on goal we seem to try walk it in net , Alex Scott needs to carry 10 yards and pull trigger more
  16. I don’t give them bluenoses much of my time and see them for what they are a middle div3 side ,as we are no more a mid table div 2 side (that’s old money) its 23 games in , half way point and we’ve amassed 27 points and everyone is moaning about a crap season , well if the second half is equally shit and we get the same return that will give us 54 points which is easily safe so I’m pretty confident we have nothing to worry about only the arrogance of a very pompous manager
  17. Mr Lansdown is he still anything to do with the club , his silence is deafening , what’s happening outside the pitch seems more important to the Lansdown family
  18. The trouble is with our fans is a player has 2 good games and their world beaters , some times it’s down to management to drag those players in have a talk and get their feet back on the ground ,Semenyo has power and pace but lacks control both on the ball and off ,his direct running should cause more problems but he lacks a finish and until he gets the attitude right as well he’s not worth a **** to anyone but it’s not just him , we as fans bigged up massengo and for what ever reason ( poor management I would say ) the kids not worth a carrot and the same thing is going to happen to Alec Scott -so in my eyes it’s all down to the management
  19. Can anyone tell me what is gained by 20 passes across and around our own box and keeper going out wide leaving an empty net only to pump it up the pitch in the end anyway ? Let defenders defend and the midfield provide . This football if you can call it that is slow and boring and very Predictable ,I’m not a fan of wingbacks because you end up with a full back that can’t defend or attack the wing and deliver a decent cross so what’s the point of moving a man out of position. Let’s see centre halfs back in the middle or klose and Naismith with Pring and another as full backs
  20. Topper 123


    Some pathetic songs from 82 , need to stick to old chants that everyone knows and can join in on , and that ridiculous in a Bristol city fan I’m a ******* wan* er dopey bollox sings that I’d like to punch in throat as I don’t like being called a wan* er by anyone , wise up hi oh hi ho we are the city boys C I T Y city come on you reds all the old ones are the best
  21. Nothing in that squad worth buying
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