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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. 209 people Pete, that’s a lot of insane people then! I’m not saying I agree BTW, but I do understand why people feel that way. Lose against Cardiff and it will only get worse for sure.
  2. My manager, your manager…
  3. Not sure mate, think I’ve heard one before. All sounded overly positive and unbalanced to me. Focussing on next season ignored the here and now issues.
  4. Anyone listen to last nights? The presenter started to talk about topics on here and mentioned people messaging in, but then the two guests ignored all that and started talking about next season! Without GT you don’t seem to get anywhere the same level of analysis and discussion.
  5. To be fair to Holden he was cursed from the moment he was announced with those ******* posts in the background!
  6. In what way? I'm just stating what I observed from where I stand, and on those two occasions in particular it's been toxic.
  7. I guess that depends where you are in the ground. In the singing section it was pretty toxic for the Boro home game when we went 2 - 2 and at the end of the QPR game last week.
  8. They did, but they also didn’t hold back their disapproval of the QPR game, which is where the in fighting and arguments came from. I am sure the S82 lads can distinguish the Anfield win from the current situation.
  9. Great example, how on earth will someone like King perceive comments like that. I appreciate you don’t have to have played professional football to a decent level to be a manager, there are quite a few positive examples, but building a team and culture is surely a lot easier if you can lead by example and experience.
  10. I’ve said similar elsewhere, I get the impression we could be relegated and they’d stick with him. It will be incredibly toxic at games way before that though so Lansdown may find fan reaction too much not to pull the trigger by close season. Personally I think losing against Cardiff might be enough, and certainly Swansea as well. It was bad enough after the QPR game!
  11. I know what you mean, he comes across as having a superiority complex, that he knows best and the players aren’t doing what he wants. Can he have lost the dressing room already?
  12. Ah right apologies I misunderstood you. Thanks mate. FWIW I have heard the point as fact from as good a source as you can get.
  13. @redsquirrel care to elaborate on what’s funny about that comment?
  14. Not just here but the ground as well.
  15. Lose against Cardiff and it’s toxic. Also lose against Swansea and we’ll be calling for his head.
  16. His club legend status is waivering for sure. He doesn’t go to away games now due to the grief he gets from upset fans.
  17. Who are we talking about? Manning? Tinnion? Lansdown? Maybe Downsey?!
  18. I thought that he was very critical of Manning.
  19. I thought it was on the radio post match after the Cardiff defeat. He was asked about his position and was very candid.
  20. I think he would if Lansdown went. I jokingly said when Nige was sacked how it would be amazing if he completely replicated his Leicester days and came back after a change of board and got us to the Premier League. Highly unlikely of course but also the biggest **** you ever.
  21. This is a Nige quote that isn’t quoted enough. We know enough of Nige to know exactly what he meant by this.
  22. I said earlier in the week lose against Cardiff and expect a toxic response from the fans. On the back of this it’s a near certainty. That interview is awful. No accountability at all.
  23. A lot of people have praised Manning for playing him, but maybe Nige was right after all?
  24. Good that, although I think The Dolphin Inn in Costa Teguise is the best football bar in Lanzarote, guy who runs it is superb!
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