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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. Me too mate and you are completely correct.
  2. Correct mate and they got run all over the park and flyover. I hope Cardiff pay for all that damage.
  3. Agreed best this season mate.
  4. Can’t get Closer Than Close by Rosie Gaines out of my head when thinking of his name!
  5. Good grief seriously?! Over four years ago?
  6. When was the last time we played them at AG and we were actually there?
  7. Good episode I thought and a fair assessment especially from the host who absolutely nailed my thinking on O’Dowda. Audio was loads better as well.
  8. Interesting discussion between the Colchester United chairman and supporters (link contains swearing just in case you need to know!):
  9. We’ve been critical in the past but to be fair this looks pretty decent.
  10. Well quite. I know I’ve been to the point in this thread and others on the subject; but this isn’t like he’s a relatively new signing who hasn’t been given a chance. He’s been given multiple chances by different managers in different squads and still failed to deliver to anything like consistent Championship quality football. He’s at a prime age for a professional footballer and should be showing the best of his ability at this time, whereas he’s actually out performed by teenagers.
  11. Whilst I agree with you this is more than just about the money for me. Its the lack of any evidence of realising potential and making any progress whilst all the while feeling comfortable. Even at £5k a week I’d really question the capability, desire and passion to succeed. I’d rather spend the money on someone new or increase the salary/ies of academy graduate/s.
  12. Completely agree I will be very disappointed if he’s still here next season. It’s time we both moved on.
  13. It’s the happy in the area/family club soft touch nonsense that got us into this mess in the first place. Easy life in Bristol, they pay the wages, low expectations etc. etc. I hope there is no sentiment here and he’s judged purely on worth and therefore will be shown the door in August.
  14. Completely agree. There is no conundrum at all in my opinion. He’s done absolutely nothing to remotely warrant a new contract and time and again has failed to prove any potential. Its been almost six years now. The likes of Alex Scott have done more than he’s done in six months! First person to let go in the summer in my view.
  15. Absolutely nailed your report @Olé mate and the assessment of O’Dowda. Just enough now. This season had to be his last chance and again he’s proved he’s just not good enough; and when compared to the relatively inexperienced players around him it’s even more stark.
  16. Spot on. They are a completely different class.
  17. Me I think, and go back to the City List days of the mid 90s.
  18. Even though Ian faded in and out a few times (not necessarily a bad thing!) I thought this was the best episode of the season so far. Apart from the above the audio was generally good, fair discussion and debate and I completely agree with the host on O’Dowda. He’s had an OK last few games despite being poor against Fulham but in the context of the last near six years it’s a really disappointing City career, and one for me that needs to come to an end when his contract is up in August/September.
  19. Agreed mate, £10 and quid a kid and it perhaps would’ve been 15k+.
  20. I enjoyed his press conference earlier, really honest again.
  21. Out of likes but well said mate.
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