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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. Man:Sorry, my son spilled the water Waiter: No problem, I'll get you a new one Man: [grabbing his arm] Make sure this one likes sports
  2. If you go to a game and live stream it then you are a new level of idiot.
  3. Plenty of semi fit players sit on bench across the country every Saturday. Not completely over illness
  4. Is it possible to guess a city team correctly?! Fielding Little.Flint.Magnusson.Golborne Pack. O'Neill Paterson. Reid. Tomlin Abraham
  5. If Somerset acted like this i would Be disgusted
  6. Muggings and rapes have gone on this God was a boy. Doesn't make it right. Might be a bit strong but I'm pissed off.
  7. Come on Somerset! Bookies favourite now.
  8. Johnson has basically admitted to a selection error with a half time substitution which will result in change of formation
  9. Don't see a problem with taking Batty at all. They are taking a 19 year old and 21 year old who will both debut so looking at youth and future too.
  10. How old are you? Seriously? Grow up man. I explained myself to you so just let it go.
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