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And Its Smith

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Everything posted by And Its Smith

  1. How do you propose we stay up if we don't start winning our home games?
  2. Can somebody give me some help? I'm working away and only have the internet to access anything. Can I listen to the game or is the world very strange?
  3. What an odd post. I'm the only one who is angry I believe so far. And I never slagged him off. Who are they?
  4. I'd go as far to say that tis line up has made me angry. How can he not play Taylor or Reid? How is Pack still getting in?
  5. Dropped Taylor. The blokes a fricking genius.
  6. @bcfctweets: #BristolCity v Crawley: Parish; Moloney, Osborne, Williams, Shorey; Wagstaff, Pack, Gillett; Emmanuel-Thomas, Baldock, Bryan.
  7. Some good 'supporters' on here tonight. sup·port·er /səˈpôrtər/ Noun A person who approves of and encourages someone or something (typically a public figure, a movement or party, or a policy).
  8. It really is incredible that, in this day and age, there is no online commentary of tonights game.
  9. Daniel Levy was wholly responsible for the signings of Adebayor, Van Der Vaart and Modric along with, of course, appointing Redknapp. He doesn't make many mistakes. It is a gamble but i'd say a calculated one. Financially the club is well run and doesn't make much of a loss so they dont have much to lose.
  10. None of these will happen. We have no money.
  11. Certainly weren't stitched by Henderson. Why would he want to stay at a club where he is 3rd choice?
  12. Can you not see that this involves every football club and fan? Read the link and you will see that it talks of other clubs, not just Luton. Unless you're just being obtuse for the sake of it?
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