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wayne allisons tongues

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Everything posted by wayne allisons tongues

  1. Half seasons will send club bankrupt. Half TV money, sponsorship, hospitality and gate receipts. How are clubs suppose to survive when they need full everything to pay people.
  2. But who pays the wage for an ooc player Matt Taylor Bailey Wright OOC 30th June, should we have to pay them till September October..
  3. But if MT is out of contract 30.06 why would City want to carry on paying his wages. I know players get 1 month after contract expires, but why would we want to carry on paying wages for someone who isn’t our player anymore. If we have budgeted without these players why should we have to pay them and effect our FFP. It is going to be a minefield when contracts expire and getting clubs to pay when they don’t have to.
  4. I don’t agree with it, just saying according to the lawyer there is nothing a club can do to stop a player moving. A contract is a contract, clubs can’t have it both ways.
  5. Nothing in English employment law allegedly that can stop a player moving on 1st July. League rules or not they can move for contract has been signed already.
  6. Saw on Sky Sports a sports Lawyer saying no matter what FIFA/FA say players are free to move on the 30th June. There is nothing in employment law that stops them, he hoped players would stay and see out season. If financial package was different at new club he recommended players moving, this could be interesting if season is still going.
  7. I think the 56 days includes 2 weeks preseason training in that figure, so players are ready to play 5 weeks in a row.
  8. What makes me laugh is the lady in the article saying he’s a Hypocrite and putting lives at risk. What about herself she has a young child, what he did is bad and should be fined/disciplined but she is as bad as him.
  9. Was at Crawley watching City, remember we equalised and people were not that bothered. Everyone was more interested 2nd half with the Rovers game than our own game. Celebrstions at full time were unbelievable.
  10. If the players take the 30% wage cut which according to the BBC is a £500m saving. Would the season have more chance of being voided. £750m tv revenue loss but £500m saving wages. Not such a big hit for the clubs and manageable into the following season.
  11. But bankers haven’t accepted to lose there cash bonus yet, just not pay out on the dividends. Why football? mentioned plenty of other popular sports; jobs and you ignore them and go on about football. With the way your answering responding it seems you blame football for being inconsiderate not in to together, but other people are ok to keep there money for they aren’t part of a popular sport. If 3 billionaires decided to give 10% of there wealth to the government and said hand out this to help it would be a big help to society, more than a few £10K wage deferrals. If you want solidarity then look at other people apart from footballers and how do you know what my political views are. I asked you a simple question which you haven’t answered and start presuming my political view is of a certain way.
  12. Still not taking a pay cut though. Isn’t it shareholders who miss out, me and you if we have shares. This way banks can keep money back. So they aren’t exactly losing out we are. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52114410
  13. Why are we having a go at footballers, why not chief executives, BBC stars, Bank bosses, Tennis Players, golfers, F1 drivers, football club chairman. They all get paid a fortune but aren’t being mentioned in this conversation. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52120578 This article explains I think the problems club face, is it the players or the PFA. Deferrals are good but still get the money at a later date, so not exactly missing out.
  14. I agree but can also see it from other teams situation that it’s been only 2 home games at most so why do clubs need to cut wages so dramatically. Is it because they are on the brink of FFP and where is the missing deferred wages coming from if they can’t pay now.
  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52063085 Interesting points regards wages and transfer embargo for clubs that defer wages.
  16. There death figures don’t include Post Mortem results. If they say your in for a heart problem and die they don’t check for Covid 19. Other countries do test, which is why figures around the world are so confusing/don’t make sense.
  17. Trouble with Germany is they aren’t reporting all cases. Was discussed on news last night, if someone dies in hospital we do a post-mortem and if they have Covid 19 we report it in the figures. Germany are not reporting how people died/doing post mortem so there figures are very low due to it. It appears different counties are reporting differently so numbers are everywhere.
  18. Not sure if it’s me; I like the way BJ seems to write notes during the conference when people mention things.
  19. Also Congestion charge not being dropped so in your car on your own, you are social distancing but being penalised. London Mayor wants social distancing but isn’t prepared to run the transport for it. Seems all transport companies at the first chance they get cut services to save money and endanger people, but will be asking for bailouts. Can’t have it both ways. Full service one day running to limited/Sunday service overnight.
  20. I agree but full service yesterday, and surely we should be keeping people apart. London Mayor has said services are running for frontline people and this is not going to help there health.
  21. TFL have cut tube trains, I’m not in London but going by what my friend has text that the tube is now busy and people are now bunching up on trains and on platforms. He thinks this isn’t a good idea for social distancing gone out of the window.
  22. I don’t know that’s why I said I think. Guess it all depends on what each clubs SAG say. Would they let a match proceed without an ambulance present? All just guesswork but i would think playing matches is not high on list of priorities for the country at the moment.
  23. I think it depends on what services are needed at the ground. Games aren’t being played so that emergency services are free to deal with other things. Would the government be happy for all these people to be not available on the frontline to be at football games.
  24. Been mentioned today that even closing businesses, most businesses Insurance doesn’t cover a closure.
  25. Trouble you have is clubs are still in Europe so have those games to play as well as FA Cup. PL Man City have 10 games to play as well as potentially 6 CL and 3 FA cup ties. That is 10 weeks to finish the season. EFL with play offs could be done in 7 weeks.
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