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Everything posted by elhombrecito

  1. Not really. China and Denmark beating Haiti is not exactly far fetched. Then would just need China to beat England, and both them and Denmark overturning a slender goal difference. It's unlikely but certainly not 'really unusual'.
  2. If they have, then it doesn't look like they've done a very good job, if that photo above is anything to go by. Looks like mud to me
  3. Cue the 100th minute equaliser against us on opening day! Seriously though, I loved how much additional time was added during the WC. It was notable that towards the end of the WC, less time was being added as players realised there was nothing to gain from wasting time.
  4. Obviously in a minority here, but logged in and it's all my own details
  5. It cycles through the top stories, but is (one of) the main story:
  6. Ah yes, the famous skylines of the world, London, Paris, New York, erm... Reading
  7. So he says, while speaking publicly
  8. Get another today, then keep up this improvement each match, and we'll beat Preston 13-0. Easy.
  9. Doesn't look like many tickets have been sold this one. Just had a quick look at the ticketing website - below is S22 which is almost completely sold out to season ticket holders and is normally the first to be sold as it's the best block in the cheapest stand. Quite a few left to say the least!
  10. I went to the game last season, and we were let out immediately, and there was absolutely no segregation anywhere outside of the ground including the approach to, and the station itself. I even approached a police officer and asked him, in a thick Bristolian accent, if I could walk that way and he said no problem at all.
  11. Yeah looks to be the older version, as the badge seems printed into the shirt.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/jul/21/football-most-lopsided-results-149-own-goals-bayern-munich-27-0?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  13. It'll be through the Bristol Sport ticketing site as there is a 'Forward Ticket' button on there. However, it's not been officially launched yet, so not possible to do just yet.
  14. Yes, it's true that every penalty is announced in the NFL, which obviously isn't a route I'd want us to go down. I meant more in terms of, whenever there is a review, they will give a brief explanation of the reasoning behind the decision. So, something like this is needed, or just let us listen to the referee's discussions.
  15. It should be just like it is in the NFL - announce the decision, and then more importantly state why the decision was made.
  16. This is from the 'Meet the Squad' day next week: So if you're unsure about the digital ticketing process, it's the perfect opportunity to set your mind at ease.
  17. Yes it's very photoshopped. Not much more than the face is actually her!
  18. Yeah, I know what you mean. I very much wanted to like the documentary, and the team itself, as I like the story behind it all. However, it does all seem rather artificial. That being said, similar to @jj77, I would quite happily watch anything at all that Natalie Portman was in (and I've sat through some frankly awful films due to my obsession fandom ?).
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