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Everything posted by elhombrecito

  1. "Joe Marler, Harlequins, has been charged under RFU rule 5.12 for conduct prejudicial to the game for comments made to a Bristol Bears player during the match on Tuesday 27 December. "The hearing will take place at 4.30pm today, Friday 30 December."
  2. Decided to get the coach in to London with @The turtle, to have a few drinks before the game. Unfortunately, it was delayed by 2.5 hours... So, wish me luck, I'm going to have to watch this one sober ?
  3. I don't know what was more pleasing, the Bears winning, or Marler and Care losing.
  4. No, stats are fact, not subjective. **Citation needed.
  5. You very much remind me of Donald Trump. Keep spouting the same nonsense over and over again, even when others provide definitive proof that you're wrong. For clarity:
  6. One of the Spanish language versions of Wordle had the following solution today: (Pretty sure it's not an actual word )
  7. Yeah I was very disappointed to find out the season was restarting so soon!
  8. So it's not a dating app for farmers then? ?
  9. In the NFL, games are often moved in to the primetime TV slots with as little as 12 days notice.
  10. Do you not believe that "Senegal" exists?
  11. As always, the lowest ranked team in the tournament at home. Much rather have a better chance of qualifying for the next round than play a PL team's reserves. (though we'd still probably lose)
  12. Excellent use of VAR there. Didn't even consider there might be an offside!
  13. It was a 'perfect' hat trick against Barnsley, left foot, right foot and header. All on the day before my 18th birthday too!
  14. Had to wait over a minute on iPlayer to see what you were all talking about. Might have to avoid this thread!!
  15. A win for Iran would essentially do that too, with our GD.
  16. Can anybody who was at the last game confirm if it was as sparsely populated as this photo suggests? I thought it would be packed...
  17. To be fair, the stadium looked completely full at kick off.
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