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Everything posted by elhombrecito

  1. They really will believe anything they're fed by Wally & Co won't they... Marshy Gas Posts: 7,868 Posting Level about an hour ago via mobile chewbacca likes this Quote Post by Marshy on about an hour ago I just don’t get this thread? The Al Quidi’s have told us that finance is not a problem, what’s wrong with everyone?
  2. Bought my tickets for the Bath game which is still a month and a half away. I thought I would be alright waiting a bit, but already over 20k sold! Apart from the (very expensive) Lansdown Stand there is only one block left where you can get anything other than single seats, so I've had to slum it in the end block in the Atyeo. Unbelievable really for a game so far away. Nailed on for a sell out.
  3. Hang on, you actually honestly believe that he faked an injury in order to save himself from being abused by a few thousand idiots with inflatable snakes? ? It's comments like that that keep this thread going. Keep them coming ??
  4. What did Matty actually do wrong? A team met his release clause, so he made the decision to move up a division, for a very decent payrise. What a bastard.
  5. I finally got around to watching the EFL highlights last night, and thought I'd take a rare dip in to the League 1 highlights to see this "immense" and "bonkers" support that is "the envy of most Championship clubs". Turns out that all I saw was a half full stand with lots of people sat around looking bored and occasionally abusing their own players after a goal... ? Must have missed something!
  6. Well yes, they may not have scored in the league at all this season, be in the relegation zone in a league where there is effectively only two relegation spots, be calling for the manger's head, and suffering from abysmal attendances, BUT they did get further than us in the League Cup. So... Successful season really!
  7. The implication being that people made the effort to get to the ground, but then when they tried to pay with cash on the turnstile and we're told that they needed to visit the ticket office, they just simply gave up and went home instead... Yep, totally plausable reason for an abysmal attendance.
  8. Not sure if it's already been mentioned in this thread, but turns out that the 15ers "unique" blue and white quarters, aren't even unique in League One...
  9. Not to mention the fact that they would actually have to pay a fee*. *Just to explain for the 15ers that visit the site, that is a process where the team recieving the player actually pays money to the other team.
  10. That's brilliant. But why is it in the 15ers thread?!
  11. I thought I would have a check on their 'historic' 1989/90 season as according to the press release it was "one of the happiest in Rovers fan's memory", so I checked out the Wikipedia page for that season, which I have shown below in its entirety. That's literally it. Obviously super prowed of that season... Massive crowds too
  12. What is it with the 15ers and this "away support as a percentage of home support" thing? I've literally never heard fans of any other team referring to this 'stat'... And all it does is highlight how shit their home support is... Honestly don't get why this is a good thing???
  13. But the City & County of Bristol do not have a team named after them, so who am I to support? The closest team to me? That's Gloucestershire. The team that actually play in the City & County of Bristol? That's Gloucestershire. The team that play in a city I've actually been to? That's Gloucestershire. So yep, they're my local team
  14. This thread will shortly be moving in to here: So, we can continue to discuss over therehow incredibly mistaken you Somerset fans are, and how you're all supporting the wrong team
  15. Nah, I support the only team that play in Bristol rather than the team that play in a town I've never even visited. Gloucestershire la la la ??* In response to @The Gambler that's not a bad idea at all! *I might have to move my own post to the non-football forum!
  16. They've definitely still got a base in Bath. In fact, Louis Carey is the U16 coach there!
  17. To be fair, City have regularly played two preseason games on the same night in previous years. The difference being we actually had enough players to do it!!
  18. That's what I really don't get. They claim to be the most loyal fans in the world, but at the same time they say that if they had a lovely new stadium, their support would suddenly treble. So basically, two thirds of their supporters will only watch them if they get a nice comfy seat... #gaslogic
  19. Yes, of course. They haven't averaged over 10,000 since the mid 1970s, but they'd defeinitely be getting 28,000 every week if they were in the Championship
  20. Not only that, he's spoken to at least three people who fit those exact circumstances, so there's probably hundreds more...
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