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Everything posted by Fordy62

  1. I think from that we can deduce that he doesn’t want to be here. NP doesn’t want to play players who don’t. It’s the only rational explanation.
  2. You just wait, in 2 hours we’ll have 4 points from 2 games and we’ll be discussing play offs!
  3. Funny isn’t it. I have supreme confidence in NP. Confidence he has a long term plan. He’s not the sort that’d say “give me x transfer windows”, but I’m confident we’ll get there and get there on a fraction of the budget we’ve been used to seeing over the last few years. Keep the faith all. He’s been there and done it. We’ve never had that before.
  4. NP needs the patience everyone (esp Lansdown) had with Lee Johnson (except for me possibly!)
  5. Rug pulled from underneath him so the owner could appoint a good friend? Oh Christ, that’s not going to happen again is it? Who else is SL friends with?
  6. I’d just like to see us play well. Although a win would be nice, I’d much prefer a good performance.
  7. I sorted of get what you mean, because we don’t have many players in our squad, let alone team who score goals, however, at the same time, to me it does look a very attacking minded team. Strange one.
  8. Morning all, I’ve done a little reading of our greatest ever matchday thread author’s posts and I’ve attempted to write this tribute in his unique style. Truth be told his threads take one of two forms; reminiscing about fixtures of years gone by, or Marvelous historical references that appear to Segway out of nowhere. With history not my strong point I shall attempt the former. It feels entirely fitting that it’s likely that at a little over 1,600 miles away, I’m probably in with a good shout at being the OTIB member who’s geographically closest to Havana, Cuba. Today’s game sees us rekindle our favourite love/hate relationship with Ken Dodd lookalike Neil Warnock and his Middlesbrough team. To reminisce about our fixtures with the kings of smog, I’ll take you back to the 06/07 season. Plying our trade in league one, we’d eventually win promotion back to the championship, finishing second only to a A Scunthorpe team spearheaded by 30 goal Billy Sharpe (wonder what happened to him?) But the 4th round draw of the FA Cup that year would see us draw Gareth Southgate’s Premier League Boro (wonder what happened to him?). A pasting was on the cards as we fell 2 behind to two early goals at Ashton Gate - Yakubu and Malcolm Christie - seemingly irrecoverable, until 50 something minute goals for a player made famous for shouldering the blame in a drunken car crash in Derby and another who didn’t enjoy a short holiday in Reading would score to take the replay to The Cold & probably wet Riverside Stadium. This time we’d go ahead through David Noble only to be pegged back by Mark Viduka. The game would go to extra time, and a late Boom-Boom goal would cancel out Yakubu’s extra time goal to take the game to penalties, which we lost 5-4, the decisive penalties missed by Craig Woodman and scored by future Paedo in the making Adam Johnson. But plucky Bristol City had done a job in those two ties and given themselves the confidence to have the consistency to climb into the Championship. Today’s opponents are a different kettle of fish to that of 06/07. We’re up against our favourite pantomime villain, only this time managed by our own. Not unlike ourselves, Middlesbrough have established themselves as a championship team, only having done so by coming down through the trap door, rather than our upwards trajectory (although this trajectory is somewhat questionable!). I invite you to raise a toast to Hav and all of our other OTIB friends who are now supporting from way up higher than the upper tier of The Lansdown Stand. To those who are no longer with us. COYRs.
  9. Oooh. Nice touch and finish. Right. I’m off to buy over priced ice cream and therefore losing WiFi signal. Enjoy the night all. Fingers crossed for a clear passage to the next round. ??
  10. Bumped into a Gillingham fan round the pool today. Asked him if he remembered that season when we played each other fifteen times. Needless to say he didn’t remember it as fondly as I do.
  11. A bloke here at my hotel in Barbados is good friends with Steve Walsh. Says you’ll never see team togetherness like under NP. He’s got a number of people he trusts immensely. He needs time and I’m sure we’ll be scrapping up near the top.
  12. Do you think there’s some way we might change the name of the thread to honour @havanatopia? Seems fitting.
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