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Everything posted by Fordy62

  1. I can confirm that this is all correct. I thought a good few of their players looked overweight for pro footballers. I saw nothing this evening to suggest they won’t be in a relegation fight this season. They were consistently outplayed by Rochdale this evening and but for the referee and linesman wanting their moment of glory, I suspect they wouldnt even be coming back with a point.
  2. Ridiculous red card. Clearly a yellow.
  3. About 150 In the ground. But In fairness 1000’s locked out.
  4. Cracking start to the evening... dealership can’t fix my car until tomorrow so have extended my loan car. It’s be rude not to drive it here... a 3L RR Velar! Now I’m at the Camra pub of the year 2012. Here’s to 3 points for the Dale.
  5. I’m ticking another one off of the 92 tonight. Anyone care to guess where I’m going?
  6. Always love to see the fashionable counties beaten. Can only imagine how much the difference in wage bills is.
  7. What a pile of steaming shit that decision was.
  8. Anyone got a working link for a poor sod working nights?
  9. Premiership fan base. That’s absolutely amazing.
  10. Ha. I had been waiting for their goal for the last couple of minutes as my stream is so far behind.
  11. Wow. This is better. Johnson must have told them how shit they were at half time. The highlight this far for me is Eliasson’s delivery.
  12. I think if we had a replay, we might see that it was; (a) shit defending, and (b) shit goalkeeping.
  13. hahahahahahahahahahahaha. In a world of undeserved goals, that is Donald Trump.
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