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Everything posted by Fordy62

  1. Probably the worst part about losing is this forum going into meltdown. I hate it.
  2. You're right. It's almost like scores only stop becoming dangerous when you're 3 up.
  3. On current form, that points margin would take them about 6-7 games to make up and that's without us playing! Not that it would ever happen!
  4. This made me laugh from the BBC... Penalty missed! Bad penalty by Matty Taylor (Bristol Rovers). Matty Taylor should be disappointed.
  5. Boy would I take a clean sheet now. I'm starting to understand when they say about players needing rest. These Saturday - Tuesday turn arounds are making me tired!
  6. I agree with most of what you say. However, I reserve the right to take whatever Robinson (or any other disgruntled manager for that matter) has to say with a pinch of salt.
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