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Everything posted by Fordy62

  1. Wilbs is more clynical. And that'll be needed for that one chance that jet will create ducking and weaving in from the left hand side in the 85th minute.
  2. 10 men probably doesn't make this game ideal for JET, however, maybe Wilbs' yellow card redresses that somewhat.
  3. I'm saying that today is finally the day we do it the easy way. They'll score 1, we'll score a few.
  4. So did Songvfor West Ham today and he was motm. It's a sign I tells us!
  5. I'm calling this a 1-3 victory. But for once we'll do it the easy way.
  6. I don't know why we bother with Peterborough updates. We all know what happens eventually.
  7. I've never taken Heroin, but I'd like to draw comparisons to winning and heroin. I'm scared that I won't be able to handle it when we stop. I love it too much. Help.
  8. 6-0. Because they're Bradford and we as fans, think we should be beating teams like Bradford 6-0.
  9. Someone needs to press the F and the T buttons with no spaces in the middle.
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