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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. Hey Samo. You are correct that it was an excellent move, although, as BRJ says, preceded by a Freeman foul (undetected by the referee). And, so what. Numerous fouls are committed every game; some by us, some against us; some deliberate, some accidental; we win some, we lose some. It is football. It is the nature of the game. No need to get angry about it!
  2. I have been away for a long time and, apart from the Sandringham (nice fish and chips on a Friday lunchtime) and the Lamb (quiet pint with my father), I have not been back to any of those pubs for several years; and certainly not to the Beaufort - awful pub! Whatever. Shame about your wasted ticket, although obviously tragic about the poor motorcyclist.
  3. OK. I just had visions of you in the Beaufort (Downend) or the Lamb (Mangotsfield) - or even the Sandringham!
  4. As I mentioned in another thread, Devon White was our undoing.
  5. Or even 7 times if Gillingham make the play-offs and we slip up!
  6. S****horpes replacement 'keeper injured now - seems he is going to have to come off!
  7. Streaming still listed on VIP - Malaga 10mins to go so might start after....
  8. You have obviously not been following her (his?) Telford thread.
  9. You know what? I think you might well be right and, if so, this would truly be a season-defining game!
  10. Try going to the Sky Sports site. Sheffield UTD had a good win and Lee Johnson is hoping to slay the dragon! It is very often the case that City get only a brief mention, third or fourth match report.
  11. 'Big and strong he is' - so we agree. Always shouting (positively) encouraging? at his defence and colleagues in general and protecting his goalkeeper. Sounds like the leader i should have liked when I played.
  12. I went for a 4-1 win on Tuesday, with our unbeaten run coming to an end this afternoon. Here's hoping both were equally inaccurate.
  13. Old Nathan was one of my best mates when he played for Bradford. So was Wilbrahim. And Yeates.
  14. This is, of course, a wind-up: not a particularly funny or subtle one, but a wind-up nevertheless. I shall not bite and look forward to my 4-1 prediction proving correct - and exciting for those who stayed!
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