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Everything posted by MC RISK77

  1. See below, the bit you are after has been drawn over but think it says you will also be able to book up to three other frozen season ticket holders within your household who have not yet attended a match. Please ensure they are part of your friends and family bubble.
  2. Sorry if their is another thread on this but if anyone is interested my mate is a Brentford season ticket holder and they have announced plans for fans returning today. They are in tier 2 so will be welcoming back fans this upcoming wkd. They have decided that they will go on a rota basis depending on how long you have held your season ticket. So therefore the 2000 fans who have had a season ticket the longest will get the opportunity to attend the first match then it will snake down to the next 2000 etc. My mate only got a season ticket this year so his first eligible game will be Bristol City on Jan 2nd ? Anyhow like I said may interest you or not, but if city adopted a similar approach do you think their would be many objections?
  3. Absolutely- lots of drivel on the first 15 pages. So where are we at the moment, I don’t profess to monitoring stats or the ONS report, but with cases rising across many European countries and more regionalised lockdowns in place, a vaccine looking unlikely this year, are we at a point where we almost need this thing to pass through the population now before we can get back out the other side? I have heard some people I work with say their doctors have told them that at some point everyone will get covid. is herd immunity now almost inevitable and we just need to shield the vulnerable as best we can? I understand this was the governments initial approach to coming out of covid the quickest and with the least impact to the economy( which I am not endorsing btw). Be interested in other thoughts.
  4. Yeah saw that, not sure if people expected any different as it doesn’t look like covid is going away anytime soon. Be interesting to see the options the club present to the fans, agree it will be a tough decision In respect to those that have already committed to a season ticket. Can’t be easy as damned if you do and damned if you don’t scenario.
  5. We look so much better, nice and compact, passing has been so much better, getting the balls down the flanks. shame we didn’t get a goal but jeez we look so much better than them
  6. Yeah because we don’t have our fair share of soppy melts on here!!
  7. How does that work mate given they have no rights to pl currently?
  8. Great news, looks like it’s been successful so far in Germany and was always the fairest way of ending this season
  9. Agreed but he is right, time to right off this season, I also believe next season will also be cancelled. i initially loved the idea of games behind closed doors but more important things in life.
  10. Good point, but their will have to be compromise surely...can not see fans going into stadiums for a long time so everyone will have to work together to keep the game alive when it eventually returns, or maybe I’m being too romantic
  11. French football league will just be the start..sensible move, end the season now and start a new one when it is safe, starting to think we won’t be seeing football next season either, until vaccines, antibody tests, drugs are proven to control this, football really isn’t important right now
  12. I only read the telegraph these days....the sun did used to be great on Saturdays with their footy coverage though.
  13. I don’t think their will be any fans entering stadiums at least for this year, but I don’t see with rigorous testing on players and coaches why games could not be played behind closed doors...which I would take right now, will be a boost to the country to at least be able to watch some football. Maybe I’m a dreamer as John Lennon once said
  14. Don’t want to put the kiss of death on it...but does anyone else think Pisano has done really well and just done everything he has needed to simply and with minimum fuss.
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