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Everything posted by CityFarAndWide

  1. I just hate how we end up in these positions from not being to take advantage when we are in control. Its beyond frustrating
  2. Its going to be one of those games where we just won't score isn't it
  3. As a kid Stewart and bridges, thought we were going to smash the league, David James however is the one that really sticks out for me.
  4. I genuinely believe Conway not signing a new contract and forcing us to go into the mark for both Armstrong and Mayulu could end up being our best blessing in many a year. Those two are what we have been missing for so long, I can't imagine its all to much fun for opposition defenders to deal with the bulldozer that is Armstrong for 60/70 mins, see his number come up only to see a 6'4 Mayulu take his place.
  5. Was phenomenal I thought on Saturday, stuff that won't get picked up on that video is he willingness to actually move & run channels, could see defenders didn't know to go to him or stand off after he had bullied them the entire first half, I am looking forward to seeing more of him.
  6. Yes it was rash, yes it cost us 2 extra points but it goes in circles, he will have games where his performances win us points. Lets not forget we should of had that game buried long before too. Crap happens move on.
  7. I happen to know a player at QPR and from the pieces they have said this guy is a good egg, "young" aka raw but genuinely believes he can path a career as a decent striker. Him not signing a contact was suggested it more to do with seeing a path way forward for him as a player than anything but obviously for professional reasons he didn't really touch on that.
  8. I know its a loan with option of perm but I can't imagine they would give him number 7 & use him for the release of the away hit if their intentions weren't to have him long term.
  9. Not to mention they are a big club over there, domestically considered under achievers for a long time; there is pressure to perform
  10. Given the early kickoff, does anyone know of any pubs/places that will be open for us?
  11. Hamstring is preferred for sports athletes because of the less invasive and long term problems with range of motion and less knee complications in general, its also (or was) a significantly better success rate downside is the healing time, it takes the graft up to 2 years to fully settle and "mature" as my specialist like to of called it. Now days they do keyhole surgery for it rather than open I believe thats completely redundant. The growing back or "shortening" is why they get on you from the moment usually you wake up from the operation with stretching the knee and keeping it straight a big concern especially amongst specialists for athletes.
  12. As someone who has suffered 3 ACL/PCL (2 in right 1 in left and a re-rupture in the final stages of recovery as he did) which forced me to call it a day at an academy at 20, I can tell you this, its a unfortunate domino effect and we can say or blame the medical department but drawing from own experiences with it, if or when complications and setbacks happen they will just happen; the trauma to that part of the body makes it unpredictable and will never recover. Depending on how he had his repairs (There is various methods depending on the individuals needs). He will continue to suffer hamstring injuries as they are the most common and potentially further knee complications (tendonitis will be one) and will have to manage that along with his playing time for the rest of his playing career additionally that will also be impacted by how significant the potential acceleration of knee osteoarthritis could be in his situation. He will suffer a shift in performance in areas of his game which is to no fault of his own. I would have realistic expectations of him never being the "same" player.
  13. Traveled down to be let down last minute. Looking for a ticket preferly south or dolman. Have a Bristol sport if easier to transfer and happy to pay in whatever way. DM.
  14. Going to get scolded by a few on here for this opinion but not sure Vyner is top 6 either. Improved, yes. Promotion material, no.
  15. Only thing worse than our ability to go forward is Max's kicking
  16. Can vouch, I spent some time there and have nothing but positive experiences, hindered by catchment area a little but superb setup with what they are working with.
  17. Looking for 1 or 2 tickets doesn't matter if upper or lower.
  18. How it started was they were asking for tickets to get back into the areas with Z2/Z3 being the main areas of problem where some (even a young boy) did not have them at hand as either family/partner/friend so were not letting them back in which obviously got peoples backs up and rightly so with how some of the stewards were being. Dont get me wrong obviously always a few trying to get into different areas but bottlenecking was not helping. The wallet check was weird as the steward didn't bother with me wasn't even bothered to check my pockets. but my dad with the steward next to me searched him pretty intensively including his wallet
  19. Heads up the weather spoons isn't taking away fans and the bellushi isn't open currently as not enough security at the door. Leaving just the sindercombe for all those pub goes.
  20. Only if you can guarantee wins can you come over for a 6th if not ill contact Border Force and you can be banned.
  21. Fair enough, I may disagree but I understand the rational behind your opinion, some on here just want to moan for the sake of moaning
  22. No pleasing some on here, if we lost there would of been a meltdown, we grinded out a replay and people still want to moan about it
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