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Langford Red

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Posts posted by Langford Red

  1. Why does he say Sainsbury's have S**T on Bristol public?

    1/2 of Bristol is more than happy with them

    I will always shop there

    I expect some GASH Heads will say they will stay away from Sainsburys 

    But they will probably win the same amount

    Why does he keep forgetting (On purpose) the way they pinched the ground off the people of Bristol and the Rugby Memorial

    They are Gypsies who want to pinch more again off others!!!! 

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  2. The objections all relate to increased traffic the lack of light,and a loss of sunlight.

    I understand why they would be upset... But it's not as if we wanted this.. It's been forced upon us so people can have a 43 acre "village green"


    In planning

    There is a rule.

    Nobody has a right to light

    It is a shame, a couple of SELFISH people have stopped Ashton Vale (I hope their Grandchildren remember them for what they have achieved with their SELFISHNESS, for there futures.) 

    They will get the 43 acre site, but it will be full of weeds and them (An ugly sight)

    But they do not realise in about 10 years time, there will be houses built there! (SL will make his money that way instead) And they will not have the pretty park land that SL said he would provide, with 2 Pond/ Lakes for wildlife and pretty walkways through woodland. (This is when the Law changes for the better.) And he would have managed and maintained it!

    A Major road will join the A38 with the A370 (Quarter of a mile long) Part of the Bristol Ring Road, and  better access to Bristol Airport.

    They are living in Cuckoo land if they have not realised this already.

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