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Tall King Blox

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Posts posted by Tall King Blox

  1. All Hail to the MK 2 Escort .

    Black vinyl roof ,yellow body work ,balanced like a tightrope walker .

    Someone even stole mine once and the Police found it in a car park with a note apologising for any inconvenience and a fiver for petrol in the glove box .

    We had quality car thieves in those days .

    my cortina mk 1 was stolen, when it was found all that was missing was the crooklok......bloody irony init

  2. Got my tin hat on.............how on earth can you get past a mirror ? both teams tonight were set up to negate the other...hence the result


    i enjoyed the game as a whole....But i would have made maybe one change at half time just to test their defence on the wings..burns for bryan..i know he had a great game but imho i think burns has the speed to worry any defence on this planet if given the space.....just an opinion x

  3. Glad we're all in agreement.

    Incidentally, the end of the world on the east coast is now hardly a footnote in the news. Makes you realise that in this world of 24 hour headlines, everything is simply used to pad out the available time until something else comes along.

    Best way of saying " Work tomorrow " ever

  4. If you were a black South African at the time of apartheid, and you were treated like utter s..., weren't allowed to vote, own property or get a decent education because of your race what would you do? If you had to resort to violence to lead a normal life because nothing else would work would you? They did what they did because they wanted something better that would not come any other way for them, they fought for, and got change.

    Bless you...great post

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  5. It is well worth remembering, that for many of those 27 years, our great leader, Dame Baroness Thatcher's Gold of Grantham, kept South Africa ticking over and bread on the table of every impoverished South African by keeping it "business as usual." A source of great encouragement and solace to the former terrorist (for which crimes, we have graciously forgiven him) as he remained locked up for so long.

    We can all recite from memories so rosy..

    .....from our hearts and our souls this sour posey

            the things we thought we heard in our lives so cosey

               were they just a long lost memory...i supposee.............x

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