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Everything posted by Lew-T

  1. The depth we have in English cricket at the moment is scary.
  2. The Gas trying to make a rivalry with Gillingham now?
  3. Brring Brrring “Yes?” “Can I speak to James Bracey please?” “He’s just gone into bat for England!” “Oh, I’ll hang on then”
  4. We’re just technically and mentally weak with the bat. The first test at Lords was an example of that, we had half a chance of winning it. 50 odd runs from 30 overs between lunch and tea... Weak as piss.
  5. Of course he’s Gas... He’s obviously keen to get off the mark on his international career, but at least see off the 1st one!
  6. Yeah, feels like it’s been forever. Since Trott, Bell and KP retired I’d say.
  7. Home or away, we do not know how to bat. Nothing changes...
  8. Glos and Gas? But in all seriousness, the very best of luck to him. Some achievement, his family and Winterbourne CC must be proud.
  9. Coutts is a decent signing for them. Haven’t heard of the others though...
  10. Usually stumble in YoYo burger on the triangle after a night out.
  11. See I can understand this point too. I’m really unsure on this one, especially as this season has been Semenyo’s breakthrough. He is bound to improve so I would be a little disappointed if he was to leave this soon.
  12. Ah, Semenyo... He’s one of those players and at his age, it’s difficult to weigh up because he could be so so good. I wouldn’t like to be in the board room for this one...
  13. Sunderland fans after one season of LJ...
  14. Oh my! I can’t see him lasting the rest of the season. He’ll walk.
  15. I’m getting flashbacks of 2015...
  16. Financially they must be in a right mess? What is it 4 managers this season? Finishing bottom without a fight...
  17. Sooner they bugger off and go out of business, the better. Complete waste in this City.
  18. I’m off tadaaaa Bakinson you little shagger You’re absolutely right
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