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Everything posted by Lew-T

  1. I get the Gasheads are downtrodden and when I look at the 138-year history since 1883, they have not had a load of success and I can understand they are feeling down-beaten and in the doldrums. Rovers’ best ever position was sixth position in Division Two in 1955. My worst ever finish as a player was fifth position in Division Two, so on a bad day the mountains I have scaled as a player are higher than any mountain that has ever been scaled by Bristol Rovers as an organisation.
  2. Despite it being close on the map, it’s far from an easy trip. Ballache of a journey.
  3. Can’t fault his commitment and professionalism. Seems like a good person to have around in the changing room too. Good finish for his goal today and an even better celebration.
  4. Just your typical nasty scouser, in the nicest possible way! He’s the exact sort of bite in midfield we’ve been missing in forever. The lad can obviously play too, I just hope he can stay fit.
  5. Lew-T


    He’s a classic passenger in midfield. Only looks okay with good players around him, gets horribly found out when he’s under pressure.
  6. Hope he’s not in a bad way with it. Get well soon!
  7. Said it a while ago but I think Mo Salah’s song for Liverpool would suit TK… Tom Kalas! Tom Kalas!….. Charging in the air…. Kalaaaaaaaaaaaasssssss he’s got slick back hair….. Song - Sit down. Wording could be better of course but I’ve just made that up for example! The tune would suit his name.
  8. 25 is young for a goalkeeper though, he still has a chance to go far in the game if he keeps this up. This move for him might be the best move that’s happened to him! See where he is at 27/28.
  9. Any players surname ends in ‘son’ gets the pleasure of this dirge then?
  10. Heard both of these vs Luton.
  11. It’s nice to have in NP’s words ‘realistic competition’. Everybody is itching to get onto the pitch - no passengers. It’s a shame about Massengo but it’s given Joe Williams a chance, and he certainly gave something for Nige to think about yesterday.
  12. Regarding Pring, I think we’ll see O’Dowda come back into the side. Nige always talks about players coming into the side, that they have to take their chance of staying there. Overall Pring has done well so far, but with 3 games in a week, we might see a change on that left hand side.
  13. It’s all very 90s these days it seems.
  14. ? ta! Never really got the hype with AJ personally, but there we are.
  15. I think he’s overhyped to be honest. British boxer, wanting to be seen as the ‘good guy’ etc. Fury and even Wilder beats him imo.
  16. I’ve been waiting for Joe Williams to blossom with us. He’s had a terrible time with injuries at City, hopefully that’s well behind him now. I was really excited when he signed, that excitement is still there. Pleased for the lad!
  17. Great to see. I’ve got no worries about this squad going to Millwall away in midweek, because you know what we’re going to get. I certainly didn’t feel like that last season. Committed, proactive, never say die attitude and at the right times decent quality. Long may it continue.
  18. Majority are at a good age too. I can see them dominating for some time… Unfortunately.
  19. USA are just landing better shots at the minute.
  20. I’ve had to mute this. Few hours in and the yanks are unbearable already…
  21. I fancy us tomorrow, weird I know. But Major does make a valid point, Fulham will come at us tomorrow and that could play into our hands. We’re due a home W.
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