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Betty Swallocks

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Everything posted by Betty Swallocks

  1. £20 per clapped out Fiat Uno to watch two films that will be shown 715678 times over Christmas on the same night that we are home to Manchester United in the quarter finals of the League Cup. Yes they really are coming for us.
  2. Meltdown from the 1/3rd of Bristol tonight....
  3. Despite showing all the signs of being a gashead?
  4. The best thing about this picture is that Josef Frizl is the most normal looking bloke on there.
  5. Their view that all is well with Memorial Ground redevelopment as they’ll be seeking outside investment for the project. This is a project that they had previously said was unsustainable. I’d imagine this will have put off any potential investors they may have had.
  6. I'd go careful, he's probably going to try and sell you some Avon or Herbal Life.
  7. It's all going to be fine for them. They're going to sell some of the land they brought up Almondsbury for housing.......
  8. I seriously don't think we can keep up with their level of banter when they call Lansdown a rosy faced lady garden.....
  9. I can see their next catchline already; Administration not liquidation
  10. You gasheads are all a bit strange ain't you!
  11. With talk of redeveloping the Memorial Ground I'm going to buy some shares in Go Outdoors tomorrow.
  12. And no surprise the fans have lapped it up. Instead of asking questions of the owners they've decided this is a positive thing! Morons the lot of them.
  13. Which member of his family is he going to borrow the money off to do that then?
  14. I suppose along the same lines, I started using Sainsbury's a lot more after they ****** you lot over.......
  15. Talking of Windass, does anyone know if he's managed to pick himself off the sticky floor of Chasers yet? Its bad enough having your footwear being stuck to the floor in there never mind being put on your ass....
  16. Online gambling is everywhere you look, if you have an addiction it must be as hard if not harder than an alcoholic who tries to avoid booze. As others have said money would have been better spent trying to help rather than prosecute.
  17. I bet that weirdo Watkins has got one of these
  18. I find it amusing how the sags really will find the positives in everything they see. There can be nothing positive about having a charging order placed on your only asset.
  19. I can only imagine the person(s) who have significant control of them would rather be in breach of HRMC law than being publicly associated with that rabble.
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