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Rocking Red Cyril

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Everything posted by Rocking Red Cyril

  1. Pity for the lad, he needs to break into the team then get on a run . He obviously has a lot to learn and step up too. But really love to see what he has got
  2. Yes charge away fans for unsold seats
  3. From home looked circa 14000
  4. No But there is always a but. Which only the individual can justify or compromise. Which causes hypocrisy. Yes football has sold out to money. Which I hate. But I love the game and I am a passionate City fan.
  5. I cannot believe his taste can be as bad as cold play. That's bloody dire
  6. Surprised no Williams not even on bench. Mind he has not been showing what he should at mo. Wondering if the injury still effecting him
  7. Pub just down from supermarket car park. Think it opposite a mosque too
  8. Yes I will only believe this form there too
  9. Mind that nice world cup break to increase his fitness. I would if thought there be match's played at HPC during this period for on going squad fitness
  10. What's that got to do with the Swansea game
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