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Rocking Red Cyril

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Everything posted by Rocking Red Cyril

  1. After watching today in utter dis believe . From a great opening goal to some pretty poor defensive mistakes to lose 2-3. But no one seems to have mentioned the awful game the ref had and linesman in front of Lansdown. Their seconed goal totally offside. I was right in line and it a bad linesman miss. And both the ref and that linesman made poor desicions all game. On the whole our game was not to bad. But we kept leaving holes in the midfield that Huddersfield used very effectively. Our whole defensive set up was so un together today continually giving them space and room. I would not pick any one out in defensive as having a particularly bad game it was they where not in a unit. And also how clear the extra pace and fitness Hudersfield had in chasing every ball or man down with a sprint. And when an attack was on they sprinted. We did not look like we knew what a sprint was. We just Look so untogether as a team. Yrs I agree some of those on the field today really are not good enough and we are a work in progress. A five season job easily needed. Yes I do feel NP us our man but SL has to give him serious backing in Jan. and ongoing transfer markets. This was never going to be a pretty season and we just have to stay up. And I hope the nonsense with the ref stoping the game seconed half for what looked like bottles thrown at their player taking a corner does not incur a severe reprimand and/or worse punishment . Anyway I bloody love this club so let's just behind the team COYR
  2. Yrs that could be an awkward convo with stewards. I glad my grandsons I taking today are only 11
  3. Thought he looked Okies . I don't think he has much of a high opinion of the press just doing his duties in doing the interviews . But I do feel he is honest and says it how it is and he sees it. And as always really gives little away at all. A very shrewed bloke me thinks . Looking forward to saterday, let's get another 3 points. COYR
  4. So any idea who Ainsley was yet ?
  5. Seems to be popping up on my football links. That Ipswich interested in Signing KP. Would seem idea situation to run a double off load and include JD in the package. As Ashton seemed keen to bring them both to us we can gladly hand them back to him at Ipswich.
  6. I have to admit a tenner for adults and £1 each for kids would of got me taking the grandsons . But not at the price they set now.
  7. No need for a right back too then ?
  8. And if we going to be off loading JD as well as might be and we lose on him . Our transfer and wage pot is going down again
  9. Well of he goes and we lose money does that not take away from allowing us to buy some one better
  10. Yrs he needs to go. But without a loss hopefully
  11. Surely if SL really does want prem footy he has to be part of the future team plan . Therefore not for sale.
  12. Tie him into the longest contract we can. We do not want to sell him .
  13. I think he not greatly happy with fitness issues still. Not happy with not having players he feels can do the job he wants And totally ****** off with the stupid questions Gregor repeatedly asks COYR
  14. Thank you all so much. I had clearly missed the obvious as usual ?
  15. Ok I am going mad or have I missed something obvious, as usual. Likely I away visiting mum in reading xmas. Thought take a nice train to Luton boxing day catch the game and on trying to find and book trains there seems to be no trains on boxing Day. Somebody out me out of my misery please ??
  16. I do like how simple NP keeps it . No excuses, fancy talk around this or that. Just seems to say it as it is.
  17. Yes Dave me too. And retirement on benefits to look forward too
  18. Ok I might of missed it but am I right in thinking Mt two 11 year old grandsons are not needing a passport or negative covid test to get in ?
  19. Really, I have all but retired now due to ill health and I never earned much over 20 k yearly ever . And I was a project manager, teacher, trainer. Sorry Dave that's a horribly over paid position in my book
  20. Have they no shame. Somebody have a whip round for some cider. A proper drink cider. ? I ask you be serious ?
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