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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Don't Play With Guns - The Black Angels
  2. I hope any G*sheads reading note the correct use of the term "Agent" as well, i.e. someone with a connection with your club who then helps hold back your rivals in some way". Lee Johnson, whatever else he may be (and this is not the place for that argument) has no connection with the G*s at all and cannot be correctly referred to as "Agent Lee" No I think he is a "Walter Mitty character". The American Heritage Dictionary defines a Walter Mitty as "an ordinary often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal triumphs".
  3. At least you admit they exist, when I have suggested this before, I get people on basically telling me I am paranoid or getting shirty because they think I mean them. It's been an awful sequence of results for sure, there were times I had to remember how bad we were in the early 80's, to take some comfort that things can ever improve.. But I still think there are signs that there are good things happening in the squad and at the levels below, the Fulham game was the first time I have wavered this season because it seemed such a terrible backward step, but I am hoping the ruthlessness that LJ showed in changing things after it, will stand him in good stead going forward.
  4. I have to say, I completely understand what he meant. It's not just about running around, it's about choosing your battles and using you energy at the right times. Every time Wilbs has been used this season, he has shown that he understands completely when to close people down, when to make the right runs and when to concede your position. I am sure that will have rubbed off on the other players too.
  5. I am afraid that it's not just today Cynic, there have been people hoping he will fail from day 1. People unable to separate their opinion of him from that of player, his father and whatever else. They would rather be able to say "i told you so" than "I was wrong" that is the real sadness.
  6. No it isn't. The game is played over 90+ minutes, when and where the goals are scored is pretty irrelevant, the only important thing is the final score. We were not expected to get a point at St James Park, we got one. Point gained.
  7. point or more at Villa would make February look like a pretty successful month considering how few points people thought we were capable of getting.
  8. Sorry I don't care how the scoring went, we went into the cauldron and came out with a ******* great point........ Well done lads
  9. Woman is the n***er of the world- John Lenton
  10. Don't they announce the teams early in Rugby? we don't usually get ours until 30 minutes before the game.
  11. Well that would fit in with the quotes that Bristol Rob has brought into this thread from their forum wouldn't it.
  12. I think I know the one you mean, it always reminded me of this one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  13. Ah well seems I will have a long wait then
  14. Still awaiting the result of the huge FA enquiry into our theft of £4.7m (or was it £9.7m) from them
  15. Yes, it was good to see Fordingbridge Pirate on here the other day, haven't seen @In the Net recently? Sensible debate is so much more interesting that the constant "he said, she said" stuff.
  16. Is that right? Is the piece that Rich quoted out of date then?
  17. The first part I have highlighted looks like another chance for them to show how hard done by they are when the planning applications get turned down. The second part means that we can take our pick of any decent talent they identify until they can afford and are granted cat 2 status
  18. They are going to try and pretend it never happened http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/9136/mods-remove-threads-judas-move
  19. http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/bristol-rovers-deadline-day-search-comes-to-an-end-without-signing/story-30102321-detail/story.html Errrr yes
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